Sodas and Fries

To be fair, she's breathtaking in most she does

Dark City is still one of my favourite movies ever.

God bless high riding spandex

We've gone from case of the week, to a full blown zombie massacre at an evil energy drink corporation, to the introduction of a paramilitary zombie force. I just hope the show manages to stay 'grounded' - or, whatever passes for grounded in this show's world.


Fun episode but I'm a bit worried about the scope of the show becoming a bit too "big". Guess we'll see how it goes.

Certainly worked well, whatever they pulled

The storyline isn't over yet!

Come on, the fishpills was a knowingly fun moment.

There's some things you can be trained for. Going into a virtual reality machine that may as well be an alternate world in terms of realism and waking up in a mass grave probably isn't one of those things.

Very cool to see the Triskelion back in all of it's glory. I don't know whether SHIELD has a bigger budget or has just been using it better, but the FX team hasn't let me down all season, from Ghost Rider til now.

Please no, I'm so tired of hearing about the Shield or a Shield reunion being teased over and over. It's like "hey, remember that one thing we actually did right that you loved? Let's just keep on bringing it up!"

Balor didn't reconcile as much as he gave Seth a few stares. They still have a bit to do to provide a proper reason why Finn is fine with Rollins now.

Barely? Like one trash can.

I wouldn't hold your breath on the AJ thing, if rumours are to be believed.

A lot.

Some people just want to watch the world burn

It wasn't very bad either.


Yeah give me more of that critically acclaimed Robyn character, please