Sodas and Fries

You want to know how worked this crowd is? They boo the hell out of Roman Reigns then cheer for and bow down to Vince McMahon, the guy literally keeping Reigns in the spot they supposedly don’t want him in.

Those who died:
Red Raven (a nobody)
Mettle (Avengers Academy)
Kid Briton (created for this story)
Juston (from the Sentinel series, guest appeared in AA)
Nico* (Runaways, but she gets resurrected later)
Nara (created for this story)
Reptil (Avengers Academy)
Apex (created for this story)

Simply, because they're popular af and the "broken" gimmick has been a reinvention for the ages

Why? It wouldn't have kept Punk around. Give the distinction to someone who could really use it, not leave a year or so later.


Credit where credit is due, Shane McMahon really upped his game for his match with A.J. Styles. He was a little bit sloppy but he was competent enough and by no means was he carried. Overally, probably match of the night for me, with the RAW Tag Team match coming in second. I was expecting Jerico v Owens and Neville x

*superman punches the urn*

Silly Nikki, he's in a perfect position for a KINSHASAAAAAAAA

I've seen more fanart of a character that doesn't even exist in the last 2 weeks (asian Danny Rand or "Dani" Rand) than actual existing Asian characters like Shang-Chi and Nico Minoru. There's demand, but where's the actual support? Charles Soulle's recent She-Hulk was a critically great book, but where were the sales?

For every Black Panther #1 there's a cancelled Nighthawk, or a low selling Mosaic.

Yes Marvel I too want to see more women cooking and earning less money than men in the Star Wars universe

Completely untrue. If you read the series, you'd see not many "new" characters were killed at all. Most of the ones who bit the bullet were ones created for the story.

I mean you can only really do that with sexuality, it's a bit hard to retcon someone's race.
And I agree, to a point. I didn't like them making Iceman gay just because he had failed relationships with women and there was a slew of juvenile, almost insulting tumblr fan theories about him being in the closet because of

They actually do introduce new heroes also, such as the recent Mosiac, and the rebooted Nighthawk. The thing is, these legacy characters actually are the more popular of the new crop than just those starting fresh.

It's a shame one of the potential best match-ups of the day in the Cruiserweight title match was bumped to the pre-show.

You are. You're just experiencing a brief period of self doubt.

Okay so he won't torture us with a 3-hour Justice League movie, but that doesn't mean he won't torture us with a movie in general

I've cooled a lot on Joss Whedon. Avengers was a miracle but Ultron was eh. The Russo's have been doing far superior work for Marvel so no loss there.

He pulled off the exact same thing for the first Avengers.

The President Baby