Sodas and Fries

I think him appearing somewhere is a matter of when rather than if. I can't help but feel if they went the AA route with Iron Fist there wouldn't have been much of a place for Shang.

Yet both this show and Daredevil constantly use one-dimensional Asian and Asian-American martial artist characters as their villains anyway. Why is that less of a problem than a three-dimensional Asian-American hero who does martial arts?

Lay off the nose candy, tool man.

Never get tired of winning getting perpetually owned

On the sign outside her dojo she seems to teach a wide array of disciplines such as Karate and some other things I can't remember (kenpo?). It doesn't account for all the inconsistencies though.

Babby Driver

Can we just clone Ken Leung and put him in every role?

Yeah I'll give you that the second sparring session comes off a lot better, but it's worth noting that also happens at a stage when their friendship has progressed. I still feel that Danny is meant to be a bit arrogant early on.

I read it as being bratty, which is consistent with the character at this point I felt. Being that he's somewhat arrested thanks to his PTSD type issues, that kid-like know-it-all-ism creeps through here and there at this point.

The commonality is presenting Asian cultures as exchangeable, albiet one example being slightly more egregious than the other.

You mean there isn't a cousin Marvin? Awww man.

I just thought that Rand Industries is simply his legacy and all that he has left of the family he lost, which is why he said it was about the name and not the money.

Diamondback, but he quotes The Warriors so I will forever forgive him.

It is actually established at this point that she runs a Japanese dojo and he was trained near Tibet, that she primarily trains with a sword and he does not. Does the show need to tell you that not all martial arts come from the same place or hold the exact same philosophies?

Yeah, I was expecting like three episodes in a row of wall to wall legalities, but it just ended up being another thing which was overblown by the early reviews.

Weird, I thought episode 6 was great.

I have to admit, on one level it’s a little off-putting to watch dojo master Colleen being condescended to and then beaten by Danny in their initial fight

space Asians


I suspected as much