Sodas and Fries

After people making bombs out of their shoes I figure they'd prefer you not to these days.

I didn't bother to watch the video because I had my fill of thinkpieces for the day, but cheers on the histrionic assumptions

I'm only at ep 5 so I can't attest to any growth in his character, that said I'm enjoying it at this point and he's sort of charming in a dumb/cocky way.

Yes but he explicitly didn't want to. He turned down a free pair.

A passport to fly is a necessity, wearing shoes for hipster monk man is not.

I'm erring towards maybe.

I just saw that it's downvoted to hell and "Comments are disabled for this video." and moved on

He was barefoot because he adopted their rather spartan way of life, no? He even turned down a pair of shoes himself, showing it was a choice.
Should have he turned up in a fresh pair of cons or something?

Yeah, a nice subversion of the illegitimately-held-in-a-looney-bin trope.

Well he did lose his parents and was isolated away from modern society at a young age, so you know. Can't start your character at 11 on the metaphorical volume dial.

He says himself that it's only during fighting that he feels alive, and also seems to be the short cut to him being able to activate the iron fist. Just because he tries or fakes to find peace, doesn't mean he's quite achieved it though. The fact there's frustration under the surface seems to be consistent at this

The unibomber was into chai tea and hackeysack?

I imagine the fact a mystical city keeps spawning chi powered protectors to whup your ass would be a pretty solid reason to hate it.

He's meant to be a bit insufferable, in many ways he's still a privileged know-it-all-esque kid that's still dealing with the trauma of losing his parents. It's a character arc, he 'grows up' as the season progresses.

6 minute? That'd be beyond a whole season's budget, realistically.

Whatever to Sepinwall, especially regarding the forced vendetta he has against this show currently. Never seen someone so desperate for clicks.

Thank your friends!

Sure, some of them are pretty funny glitches. But still, half I wouldn't even notice and one or two I can't see the problem at all.

Just watched this episode. Do not see the fire as of this point.
Acting = Good. I like how Danny is portrayed here, heaven forbid everyone in the Netflix-verse is a salty brooding hot mess. There's naivety but also elements of know-it-allness, which feels intentional. He talks about K'un L'un the way a hipster talks

What, like a guy rounding a corner in the background? I'm not even sure what the problem is with the one where Peebee is sitting on top of Sarah.
Soz, I don't do outrage for outrage's sake.