Sodas and Fries

Of course, though there's a difference between "shot in an alley" and "dies on a trip to a far away place".
But overall it's a silly thing to complain about. What sounds like Arrow sounds like Tarzan sounds like ________.

Have you watched it or are you just going by the review?
Because from what I saw, it's fine.

Plus it kills all the privilege not-so-subtext of the Rand character and nullifies the importance of his relationships with both Luke Cage and Misty Knight to a great degree.
Nothing against Asian heroes (again, Shang-Chi, do it), I feel just Danny Rand has his own stories to tell - if Marvel decides to follow up on

I hear things really click around eps 5/6

Watch some One Punch Man

Yeah for real, the first fight was explicitly about being effortless and using the guards own motion against them. It's painfully obvious.


The whole plane crash in the mountains, losing parents part of Iron Fist's history is all part of his origin from the 70's. I wouldn't expect Marvel to change that key part of his story just because Arrow cribbed something similar in the last couple of years.

Lol, I'm sorry, saying Iron Fist is lame but then talking about Nova is pretty ironic. They're pretty much on the same tier. Nothing against Nova though, I think they're both decent characters.

I loved Scott Pilgrim. Each time a book came out, it was an event. It was my Harry Potter, basically.

Yeah it's funny, I wasn't really raised in a blue collar small town, or Northern America for that matter, but there's something about it that resonates regardless. Much like Scott Pilgrim, it's kind of a warmly sarcastic yet deceptively pointed take on the coming-of-age for arrested millennials.


Oh, games I'll be playing:

I get that. Sometimes you want to see more stories told with the characters you know and have invested so much time into prior, but I like the chance to get to know new characters also.

If it's not Luigi giving someone the stink eye after shelling their cart, I don't want to see it

Jim checks his mail
"Oh, I already have one of those"

Ubisoft: Hold my beer
gamer: But you already made a game with the worst glitches ever. this isn't even about y-

Eh. Like, Peebee holding a gun backwards is dumb, but half of those things I wouldn't even notice honestly.

Well and the whole disappearing face thing

Is Mass Effect: Andromeda the thing we all agreeing to throw shade at this weekend or something? Is there a group e-mail?