Sodas and Fries

The only reviews we have to go by are the old ones of the first six episodes. No one has reviewed the full season yet.

It really depends. Some of the more fairer reviews I've read (and when I say fair, I mean reviews which still did criticize the show but targeted what was on screen rather than what they felt it should be, as opposed to the forced hatchet jobs some places put up) talked about the quality/pace getting better as the

Because jumping to the end of a story and missing out on all the rationale and set-up really makes you appreciate a conclusion?

Lose your shade, gain a push-up bra.

Wouldn't sir Pat Stew know what he'd be signing up for, though?

Yeah David!


Meanwhile I was waiting for psychiatrist Lenny to go into a long spiel about toxic co-dependency


Looks suitably B movie-ish


The black Nordic god thing happened with the casting of the original Thor film with Idris Elba in the role, and there was a bit of a racist based backlash about it at the time - most from white supremacists who hold some mighty white reverence for Nordic gods more than any comic book fan.

Honestly that's immediately what I thought of when I saw "Thane"


Well I've heard good (but not like, bewildering) things from people I know and while I hate to be that guy, it's got a 75% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes and so while not perfect it must be doing something overall right. I'm still hanging to see it regardless.

Clear or not, there's really no distinction in the long run. Much of the comics informs what happens on screen, and vice versa.
Seeing that alt-right and white nationalism are basically the same thing, can't imagine any worth his or her salt would still be on board the company that made a Nordic god black.
Also the

The fact there's a clip going around of an in-game cinematic glitch where Peebee is holding her gun backwards and shoots something with the butt of her gun (complete with muzzle flash)

C? Harsh.

President Werewolf is the Aaron Sorkin show I never knew I wanted

That's like saying "see every Youtube comment section". Crazily, I'm not going to use the sweaty taint stain of the internet as a barometer.