Sodas and Fries

Oh come on, it's cosmic tomfoolery. He's not an actual nazi.

The comics are incredibly liberal right now with a female Thor, a young black woman as Iron Man, a black Captain America, multiple female led comics, various of them POC, including a gay latina

Yeah, nah.

Ah if only all Nazi's could blame being dangerous bigots thanks to the tinkering of the fabric of reality

Probably the most lackluster Smackdown in a while. What little in-ring action that happened was serviceable, but the Usos and American Alpha deserved so much more than to be a backdrop for a live feed of Shane McMahon's backstage tour.

Weren't you complaining about Becky not winning a match last week? =p

"Seeing how little anyone actually cares about American Alpha"

YEAH (yeah) YEAH (yeah) YEAH (yeah) YEAH (yeah)

A lot of the current class/race issues have deep roots that stem from the effects of slavery there, those who descended from slaves frustrated, feeling shunned, having trouble integrating, etc - not helped by the widening anti-immigrant sentimentality now burgeoning there.
So overall, I don't think it matters how

1 + 2) A better idea is to use a Marvel character that already exists to tell those stories, such as Shang-Chi. Danny Rand has his own stories regarding race to tell (especially regarding Luke Cage and Misty Knight), and making him AA negates that for the most part.

Agree with everything you've said, but remember this is only a review of the first six episodes.
There looks to be many threads from the Immortal Iron Fist series / capital cities that come into play in the back half of the season
Bride of Nine Spiders appearance, for starters

The French had black slaves too, ya know.

I don't think it'll be a GOTY contender but it'll be a good, decent game.

Shh, it was late :p

New website idea: MetaGoty Tomatoes. An aggregate of all end-of-year top game choices so we can decide the one true best of year game to rule them all.

Xavier would have to lose some mass to be with the cruiserweights. As he is, he's over the weight limit.

Is it too early to say GOTY?

Disagree! I'm loving Tozawa and he's getting great reactions. Gallagher has had a great run ever since his program with Daivari to his feud with Neville (plus his stint in the Royal Rumble was great). Neville is a boss and his match with AA is well shaping up worthy of being on the Wrestlemania card (helped by the

Tozawa debuted literally a month ago and DB's yes chants came from him just chanting "yes!" after winning matches as a heel. I think you're underselling a lot of the Cruiserweights, overall. But you do you, sir.

Slow news day?