Sodas and Fries

lol "just yells".

Well thank God for that.

I think a lot of fans realise that these are reviews (some fair, some questionable) are of only less than half of a season and are simply holding reservations for the actual full product.
No one should lose their shit just because a grand total of 10 or so reviews on Rotten Tomatoes don't say nice things.

Last year there were rumours that Marvel were casting the character for this show. As reviewers have only seen the first 6 episodes, it's possible he may appear in the back half. But if not, it's honestly just a matter of time. He fits in with the street level heroes they're building up and almost has as much

Well you've basically said it yourself: WWE are trying to have their cake and eat it too with him. I don't think the Reigns we've supposedly been waiting for is the one where we're settling for average.

Nameless faces? Jack Gallagher? Akira Tozawa? The Brian Kendrick? Rich Swann? Noam Dar? Cedric Alexander? No sir! Not at all sir!
Gallagher and Tozawa in particular are getting some of the better reactions on the whole RAW roster.

As the seminal pop song by Yazz said, the only way is up.

Maybe, but he's the top face currently

I think the fact phrases like nerd and dork are laughable is kind of the point. They're purposely leaning into bully stereotypes, and it amuses the hell out of me. They should say dork more, in fact.

She got a bit of a cheer the last time they teased her turning on Charlotte also

The Brian Kendrick? Gallows weak on the mic? Fire yourself for saying such things

Speaking of meaningless, the Cruiserweights were on Raw again.

Have fun eating fiber and watching the Mentalist

The background/privilege of his character and his relationship with Luke Cage in particular make it pretty crucial. You can't change his race without upending a good bit of those elements.

I don't think that means a story about a stranger in a strange land couldn't be done respectfully in the modern day.
Also Marvel's original kung-fu hero wasn't white, he was Chinese. Iron Fist came after.

As a whole it was a decent show, but it could have been so much more. It had a three quarter slump like Daredevil S2 and Jessica Jones before it, and while Diamondback was amusing, he didn't hold a candle to Cottonmouth.

I've always found it kind of stupid that these reviews of not even half the season are aggregated as if they're the final word on the whole product. I imagine if the last 6 episodes of Luke Cage in particular were reviewed instead of the first 6, there would have been a much different grade.

I appreciate the review for the most part which addresses the shortcomings of the narrative of the first half of the show itself, but of course this rears it's head:

A C+ community rating for a show that hasn't been released yet, checks out.

No probs!