Sodas and Fries

I think there were some early problems which were smoothed out day 1. There's still some bits of unpolishedness, stuff like the move-lists are a bit incomplete/hard to decipher because it doesn't list combo strings, meaning you have to figure out the sequence yourself as you unlock new part. But other than that,

I guess I'm a bit late to the topic, but I've been alternating my game time between Night In The Woods and River City Random: Underground. Have Zelda FOMO but don't own a Wii U or a Switch, alas.


Hot take: the trio sucked ass

Personally I think you're likely raising the best daughter ever, but that's just me.

Baseless accusations!

Such a terrible lack of empathy in our modern society *shakes head*

She was asking why because there is clearly a lack of communication in this troubled household!
and it's always the children who pay the price :'(

Oops. Spoilers.

She's obviously rebelling at a young age. You can't see the carton of cigarettes tucked under her sleeve.

He does in fact bop her in the face with his wrist, but it looks like he was feeling around for where to put his hand to move her back. But I mean really, just give a quick turn and say "Daddy's working" or something

It's a child literally dancing for her father's love

Oh God it'd be Logan all over again

Hi I am here to talk about the bad show

Well, you know those Transylvanians! *mimes something vaguely prejudiced*

You're teaching her all the best Simpsons quotes

Is that HEALTH covering Blue Monday? IT'S MY BOYS

I love that story but most of all I love the phrase "wiener kid"

Is it ever!