Sodas and Fries

Now the Shadow King I would like to see. I have faith it'll be great storytelling either way

To my knowledge Mojo and Legion have never interacted in the comics, Mojo being a villain from another dimension and Legion being an anti-hero of his own usually at the center of his own X events as a plot device.
But other than that, I personally just don't see a spineless other dimensional TV/ratings obsessed Mojo

Well, it can't be any worse than Extra.

And yet some people still try and make out that Trump is somehow playing 4 dimensional chess and is 'owning' the media

not enough pew pew bang bang eh

Interesting to note that the 'Yellow Eyed Demon' appeared to be wearing a flayed suit and tie. I'm doubling down on my guess that this character is a play off of a story thread in 2012-14's X-Men: Legacy run:

There's a few X characters sort of reminiscent of it visually, and some moreso conceptually.

I would secretly love it

I guess we'll see where it goes. I have a feeling the story isn't over yet and this is all setting up something for the SD women's division at Wrasslemania.

Becky's out is that she had to contend with Mickie James interfering on Alexa's behalf. Most of Naomi's wins came out of even tag matches, other than that she's had one clean win where she actually won the title? The difference between her and Roman at that is that she's had a pretty long tenure and while she's never

I refuse to acknowledge such an existence!

Dolph is a bad seller, said no one ever

Becky has beaten Mickie in every team match they've been in since James redebuted. They made the right choice MJ to go over here, sorry breh.

Decent episode of Smackdown overall, but that main event was nuclear hot and felt every bit as much a spectacle as anything RAW pulls out. SD in general is just the better show for me right now, but I'm worried by the rumours that Vince wants to trade AJ over to RAW. On one front, fresh matches (though AJ vs Bray is


Given his spot to hardly be used? WWE needs to do something with the people they actually do have.

She's alive and at large after killing her own mother in iZombie!

I really don't think it matters if you as an entertainer believe it's clearly a joke and you've even got a solid rationale behind it - when you joke about legitimate incendiary topics like nazism or the holocaust, you're playing with fire. They're still and always will be incredibly touchy subjects for people, for

Well doesn't explain Bayley copping a few hits this match, but w/e.

The fact it was stupid from a business standpoint aside, it really was an ill-advised, basement level attempt at shock humour/entertainment. The fact this isn't an isolated event for him going to the Nazi well for chuckles makes it look worse. Do I believe he's a legit anti-semite? No. But he's clearly tone-deaf and a