Sodas and Fries

Pewdiepie has an audience of 53 million. I don't watch this stuff, though I'm aware of what he does generally. So he has an insanely large audience which skews in the teens and 20s I imagine, which in itself demands a modicum of responsibility for your content. Not only that, but he was in a business partnership with

The funny/ironic thing is that a few weeks ago there was an influx of people whining that wrestling was still getting articles while their shows got the chop.

I don't follow Louis C.K. so I can't comment on that, especially without knowing the context.

Sure, a lot of people have tried to push the envelope in the wrong way. But the fact is that someone worth their salt will recognise their mistake and correct it - not continually go to the well.
There's also a difference between comedy stylings being recognised as offensive as society progresses (Mickey Rooney in

You mean like any other ex WWE wrestler who's come back to work with them again? It's pretty much to be expected that if someone is released, they shoot on the 'E.

There's always Steve and Larson, or Wrestletalk I guess?

It's not like the wrestling articles were lacking in replies.

I just have good taste in comedy.

The Creation of Kevin alone gives this show a A+.
Brief thoughts:
- please don't put your tag champs who need to look like legit threats into 2 on 1 matches that they can't win.
- great to see Tozawa getting over
- Corey really sold the aftermath of the Festival Of Friendship well. He looked genuinely upset about what

Yay, validation!

People say Milo Y is just a sensationalist and a provocateur also. Obviously I don't think Pewds is willingly a hatemongering ass but I dunno, intentional or not it's a dangerous area to play in.

*says something absolutely stupid, insulting and ignorant*

Objective: (of a person or their judgement) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

That's convenient for isolated incidents, but when there's an actual pattern of positive reaction sometimes you just gotta
*camera zoom* ~face the facts~
I think the next Smackdown will be telling.

It was an analogy of why you missed the point.

Well obviously something is working if they connect with the crowd. People are trying too hard to devalue that but the fact is it's what sell tickets.

The more you know!

It's booking's fault because the crowd reacted the same way last time Dolph beat both up with a chair in Smackdown, and instead they just doubled down on it.

"I don't like NJPW"

I thought they were loud enough during all the women's matches. Not raucous or anything but decent. Nikki Bella especially got a good response at the end of their match.