Sodas and Fries

*throws an "uggo" fashion police ticket at the header*

Hopefully they're making him grow out his beard again so they can have another shot at killer lumberjack heel Swagger, like when he first debuted with Zeb Coulter.

Hmm, I didn't notice it being dead at all.
That said, it was a bit disconcerting to see a heel cheered for beating on the faces but that's booking's fault.

WWE have actually been making less from live shows and stuff and ratings have been lackluster across the board for a while now, so we're not exactly talking about the bulletproof cashcow of yore. Yes, they're the biggest promotion in town but objectively has anything they've put out this year so far matched Wrestle

"First of all, they had the gall to have three women's matches in a single PPV; and none of them were relegated to the pre-show! That has to be a record."

Smackdown's roster isn't that tiny, it's just that there's people they barely use. Swagger, Curt Hawkins, Kane and Eva Marie have disappeared into thin air. Tamina is apparently coming back to the women's division, and Mojo Rawley is about - surprised after his small Royal Rumble push he was absent from this card.

You know, next year they may have a roster that could come close to helping pull that off, but that in itself says it all: WWE is a step behind.

Right. I mean, I wish him better than to be the 10's Shelton Benjamin but even that would be an improvement over the cipher he is right now.

The RAW title looks "stronger", and is more boring because of it.

How does someone who is supposedly the least charismatic get a "you deserve it" chant from the crowd?

They may use the ankle thing to give him a short timeout and an attempt at a soft repackaging.

The best thing about this PPV is that certain members of the A.V. Club wrassling commentariat are inevitably eating their words after the reaction Naomi, someone who apparently would never have the crowd behind her, got after winning the title.
(You know who you are, winky face)

Definitely not seeing what you're seeing.

Right, "SJW" "triggers" people much like calling something "retarded" - you just innocuously meant that something is stupid, it's not your fault 'retarded' is both un-PC and also has insulting connotations! Gee whiz

Nobody likes a showoff, A.V. Club.

When someone says "SJW", 9.99 times out of 10 it's with a pretty negative connotation. Just saying.

I'm not big on SNL's kind of humour at all but I thought the video segment they did with a day in the life of Donald Trump (with John Cena) was one of the more well executed, clever and high concept skits they had done in recent memory.

There seems to be a lot of wrinkles to this game!

Well played, well played.

lol DC