Sodas and Fries

That answer on the quiz comes straight from the composer, Nobuo Uematsu. He states as such in the article. But I'm sure whatever you mentioned were inspirations also.

Loved it and shared it all over the place yesterday. FF7 is one of my favourite games ever and the piece is just so well put together and comprehensive. Actual games journalism, whodathunk?

I know many studios do it, but I believe any game you put out that has your name attached to it is representative of you as a company, be it your main games or your near-shovelware. It's a bit convoluted for me to excuse their TMNT when their Transformers game was enjoyable enough.


I don't think the wrestling comparison is apt, because if you don't want to read a comic about a character, you just don't buy it. Super simple. Wrestlers are part of an ensemble, meaning you have to see Roman whether you like it or not. So anyone that feels she's forced on them is being a ninny.

I wouldn't say what they were doing with Scalebound was "banking it all", rather just them looking to bring some diversity to their line-up. Phil Spencer was a big fan of those Mistwalker JRPG games they brought over on the 360 so I doubt this will be the last attempt - however are JRPGs actually such a big genre

I know you didn't claim it was Rhodey - my point was that guy they referenced sounded a lot more like an existing character, and it wasn't. So what makes people think a woman talked about offhand that sounds nothing like any character we know is all of a sudden going to be one of the big tentpole heroes?

Ah OK. Well a far more natural Mojo was one of the guests, and basically said that while it sucks Zack is out with an injury, Mojo will be using this opportunity to pursue a singles career as a more focused wrestler, rather than dancing and goofing off. And I think he even insinuated he'd be leaving the Zubaz pants

Well if Smacky Talk is anything to go by, you'll be getting your wish.

"this film was lit, fam"

Exactly, if everyone else is pretty much getting some sun then where's the fire, other than some played out hating?

Whatchu talkin 'bout Ciggy

yeah nah

Name some of these better wrestlers 'languishing' on Smackdown, whose names aren't Tyler Breeze or Fandango.

Honestly the fact a studio would be knowingly putting out crap to make the bills doesn't exactly make me want to cut them any slack.

Do you know how many solo series it took for Hawkeye to become a bonafide modern hit? And compare the story of Fraction's run compared with Hawkeye & Mockingbirb, etc. It's easy to say "Marvel can't stick with one thing!"
BUT sometimes you have to keep on trying until you find the narrative that really connects.

Look, you're not wrong about how there's little place for Microsoft in Japan right now, but I've never understood the argument that they should stop trying. We should know better that these things don't stay in some perpetual holding pattern where nothing changes.

Activision just published them though, right? It was still Platinum actually developing the games themselves, unless I'm mistaken.
Why there's that discrepancy between those two sides of their catalogue I'm unsure but to blame Activision seems a bit convienient.

Transformers wasn't so bad but yeah, everything else was hot garbage and very uncharacteristic of them. Nier does look like a success, which will help keep them afloat, but I think their recent string of games shows they're not nearly as untouchable as some try to make out.

I can lie to you if it'd help?