Sodas and Fries

So judging by a trend I'm seeing in some comments here, some people actally wanted a company to continue sinking money into a turkey of a game and eventually knowingly release what they knew was a sub-par mess

Right? They should just release games even if they're underwhelming, I mean it clearly worked for No Man's Sky!

The quality of their more recent output hasn't been great. It'd been a bit of a tarnish on what was a pretty pristine library.

Was this before or after the fiasco which was their Ninja Turtles game?

You know, once upon a time people said RPGs would never sell big to western audiences. Thank fuck Square never went "why bother" with sending Final Fantasy 7 to English audiences like they did with Secret of Mana 2/Seiken Densetsu 3, just because the past had been full of uphill battles.

The current head of Xbox loved the games that came to the 360 by Japanese developer Mistwalker (headed by the OG Final Fantasy director) such as Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. Clearly there's a precident for Xbox working with some eastern developers.

I think Microsoft may retain the IP here.

There is absolutely zero evidence it has anything to do with Captain Marvel. The girl was described as 22, and seeing that Doc Strange was set in 2016 and Brie Larson is as of right now 27, making her about 29 when the film does come out, that's already some impossible maths. The whole "injured man in an exosuit" was

Do you know something about the film script we don't?


She was? As far as I saw, the most premiere female superheroes Marvel had back then were all in the X-Men.
Back when the DC vs Marvel crossover event happened, it was Storm who was put up against Wonder Woman, after all.

There's been many books which have gotten great press or a good critical reception and yet have been low or near cancellation numbers in the past.
What I'm getting at is that just because something isn't selling gangbusters, doesn't mean it's not a success in storytelling. When Kelly Sue Deconnick was on Captain Marvel

He doesn't need the WWE. In fact, I hope more internationally based wrestlers realise they don't need the WWE either. Time to break up the idea that all roads have to lead to there.

Honestly though, how hard is it to say "hold a candle"? That's no "sufferin' succotash".

The fact the show was barely made worth watching by Jericho's US Title win (which was well deserved and of which the possibilities make me giddy) says everything. On the upside, Titus O'Neil has strangely been entertaining, Karl Anderson was great on commentary, and Kevin Owens blinkering Jericho from the shark cage

Yeah he definitely has his wheelhouse which he's great at. Event books, not so much. Team books, 50/50. Say what you will, he revitalised the Avengers line.

Secret Wars, so not that long ago.

Because his runs on Daredevil, Alias and Ultimate Spider-Man were so terrible.

It was half of a great event. The premise and key feud between Cap and Iron Man was incredibly solid. The problem was that, instead of staying the path to present each side as valid as the other, they rather chose to eventually character assassinate Iron Man and Reed Richards (making a clone of Thor, forming the Green

Sorry dude, Cap Marvel isn't going anywhere as their prime female character. She's got a great modern iconic look to her thanks to the redesign a few years back, she's got a film coming up - just needs to have a solid modern take to cement her.