Sodas and Fries



Yes why call yourself Kenny Omega when you can be "Dolph Ziggler"

Setting the bar high super early

It's executed from the top rope, rather than from the second rope. It's definitely got impact to it, but it's hard to view something that you see occasionally in regular matches now as that much of a deal.

Most wrestlers have about 2 finishers, so they can have options in different situations (such as size discrepancy like you mentioned - I couldn't imagine AJ Styles doing the Styles Clash on The Big Show, for example). Twisted Bliss may just become more like her big gun or ace-in-the-hole.

I definitely understand the psychology of him not using a move that involves so much spectacle, but I was more hemming and hawing over whether a superplex from the top in itself is finisher material.

I don't think he's used the Red Arrow in his last two matches. A bit too early to call, but wouldn't be surprised.

Whatever, it's worse when they're used to desperately close out a comedy sketch

Curious: thoughts about Neville using a top rope superplex as a finisher now in 205 Live?

Good show, I just hope Cena can evolve in character a bit more. Putting a spin on "I'm Rick James, bitch" doesn't quite cut it. The whole 'I have passion', 'be a man' thing really is just the same old. But he called AJ a bitch though, so you know this time he means business.

So let me get this straight: you're saying comic book films hold the same audience as an Ice Age sequel and that anyone that goes to see a comic book film is an "arrested adolescent"?

No one gets heat better than the half present authority figure that doesn't need it

I remember at one point early in their run New Day were threatening to Freebird the US or Intercontinental Title. The fact WWE didn't pull the trigger on that makes me almost as sad as the fact we never got the Canadian Title with Owens and Jericho.

Chris Jericho in a losing effort for the US Title?
New year, same old shit.

"Why is Rusev tagging with Jinder Mahal? Because they're both foreign heels? Christ."

Also Ringfinger.

The album is a bit incoherent, to me.

I actually don't know them.
(That's not a song title)

I know more about the personalities of the wrestlers from watching some episode of Xavier Woods' Up Up Down Down than from actual TV viewing