Sodas and Fries

But I'm still restless :(

Of particular note to me, Cena admitting his whole argument about The Rock being a "sellout" / "part timer" a few years back was wrong. Funny how being cast in a few Hollywood films completely changes your perspective…

He said "piss" like three times. Push that envelope, Dean!

Even though I prefer Smackdown to RAW and believe it's overall been the better show, it's been missing some element of spectacle compared to the "A" show. I don't know if it was the big match booking, Cena returning or everything clicking together just that little bit more but this episode felt just as big time as any

Correction: anything with Jack Gallagher is must see

AJ Styles, Chris Jericho, Miz, Sasha Banks, also Shinsuke Nakamura and Samoa Joe tied for the work they've done in NXT. Special mention to Sami Zayn who has put on some great matches but was let down by booking a bit.

Yeah I was pleasantly surprised that they turned Mustafa face so quickly - it's not like the crowd had reacted to him on his debut or anything. But the Chicago crowd was definitely feeling him and his inverted shooting star is a great finisher.

Go to a We Are Scientists gig for the banter, stay for the music

"Oh, you thought 2016 was done? I'll show you!" - Death, likely

It took another reply to the same post you replied to 2 days ago to say I'm blocked?
As far as I'm concerned, this is a Christmas blessing!

It's going by the name "Riverside" now, I believe

I hear the live orchestra will be backed by the seven trumpets of the apocalypse

I knew he was smart but I didn't know to what extent, nor that he's from a middle eastern family. Cool stuff.

Yes focus on the fact I said favourite colour rather than the underlying point, excellent debate skills. Your transparent deflection aside, why is the burden of responsibility of how people overreact put onto someone speaking their native language? Maybe the burden of responsibility should be on the people themselves

Yes I'm irate you were attempting to make a point that has nothing at all to do with the topic?

(I'll see that bet)

Religion is a choice as much as we choose our sense of humour, or what our favourite colour is.
Faith for many people is symbiotically fundamental in the way they understand the world, life, universe. People indeed can change such beliefs over the time, but no, religion is not a choice in the manner of deciding what

Look, anyone can tell exactly what you meant so you're wasting your time pivoting around. Apples, oranges, kthx bye

Ah because we disagree with Trump supporters due to their views on agriculture.

Well like I said in my original post, if this is leading to Bayley breaking through this stranglehold, then it's worth it. If it's leading to Bayley being booked as Sasha mk.2 , fuck this shit.