Sodas and Fries

No I'm pretty sure you made a false equivalence

Don't be such a grinch and grade on a curve

Yes, spirituality and racism are exactly the same thing, well done

I like how you say "chosen to belong to a religion", like they should maybe completely change their core beliefs and how they live their life because of those poor innocent (and half of the time, completely ignorant) people.

It's no different than CM Punk saying he deserves to be first in the WWE opening video package rather than John Cena. The whole "I'm actually a talented wrestler, you're a marketing product" isn't exactly new.

Pretty great Smackdown overall, full of nice little surprises. Nattie cutting her best promo ever, Apollo Crews having one of his best matches since coming to Smackdown, hell even Mojo looked passable.

"And unless WWE actually intends a heel turn this time around, WWE pulling the trigger and Ziggler win the championship from Styles (even if it’s just by pinning Corbin) most likely won’t be well-received."

It's significant because Cena was bad at the top of a roster double the size. Ergo, someone perpetually at the top of a roster half the size is much worse.

The problem is that the RAW women's division isn't a mountain one gets to be top of - it's a glorified hill if lucky, currently only 4 women of note deep.

No problem! I genuinely hope such discussions stir more and better representation for all involved.

There's only so many losses in a row you can eat though. It's pretty much foregone that any 1 on 1 match he's put into with Rollins or Reigns, he's going to lose. Right now he's just Kevin Owens' (entertaining) patsy and not a threat at all.

It's been a loooooooooong time since I checked out Sinfest, but I always thought it was one of the most professional looking webcomics out there.

I just may look it up!

In that case, doubling down on my statement.

Nah, it didn't last long enough

Sasha gets some of the best pops on either women's roster. Obviously she's clicking with the crowds in some way.

Disagree. Each one of her subsequent reigns have been the same old and the fact she always wins back when she loses is becoming John Cena levels of stifling to the division. Unless they're building to Bayley being able to break this new streak, I'm pretty over "The Queen" and her so-so promo ability.

She was at her best when she was playing the crazy heel that flipped out throwing people's popcorn and danced while wearing JBL's hat.

No please, don't make Raw Talk a regular thing. I can't handle another 30 minutes on top of the bloated 3 hours they already have.

He also murdered Rollins and Reigns. Worth the three hours.