Sodas and Fries

You're very keen on forcing a square peg in a round hole here.

I completely forgot about Norwegians and the plight of their representation.

Tilda asked in the opening e-mail, which if you haven't read I suggest that you do, if they can have a private discussion about the subject of her role. That's all she says: "I would really love to hear your thoughts and have a - private - conversation about it. Are you up for this?" - of which Cho agrees by replying,

No, the reason this is an issue is because the character of the Ancient One in the comics is Asian.

Ah yes, the "I know you are but what am I?"
You got me, you scoundrel.

Okay well on that front I actually agree to a degree, though undermining someone's intentions isn't mutually a race-related thing when it comes to the interwebs.
I understand how the minefield can be confusing and the whole "I'm only just asking!" deal of being a white person, but I also understand how some POC believe

To choose to be ignorant? I could have told you that.

Oh you mean how she made it sound like like Swinton was insistent about privacy as if it were a clandestine discussion?

Avoiding stereotypes had a big role also, obviously. He said they didn't go with an Asian actress either because of the "dragon lady" trope.

Uh sorry dude but Cho rather obviously misrepresented the entire tone of the exchange. While she may have chosen to bite her tongue, that doesn't account for how she portrayed Swinton far off the mark.

"Marvel later clarified that the character had been changed to have Celtic origins, a switch that did little to quiet critics angry at the idea that a role had been taken away from an Asian performer."

No, it's really not. Just because you choose to conveniently ignore race, doesn't mean the factor isn't there.

Yes how dare "the left", aka many of who are people of colour, have the gumption to speak their voices about things like representation and how they're treated



Won it clean against Miz who had Maryse and the Spirit Squad helping him out, and all of his losses were thanks to interference. I think he's fine to be challenging AJ.

How goofy their gimmick is doesn't hurt the similarly styled Jack Gallagher any.

He was intercontinental champion just over a month ago.

Breezango looked great? I love them and all but they did a lot of nothing. Ascension need a new gimmick.

They're not going to have him turn face as long as they're planning for the Undertaker to feud with him. Can't turn people face/hell willy-nilly, or they'll end up like Big Show.