Sodas and Fries

"Loses his IC title feud to Miz"

pls no

They only announced it last week with a graphic and everything, but what are details?

Exactly what I thought. I saw it happen and went "oh, he must still have heat"

I know it's acting and all but he seemed like a pretty personable and upstanding dude.

Even when Rollins gets 2-on-1 beaten up he still finds a way to come out on top. Boringgggggggg

You know, these days building a death star and aiming at a planet like Earth doesn't seem like such a bad idea.


While it's pretty watchable, I think it's telling that it has absolutely none of the subtext Romero's original films had.

Well because you make it sound so easy, I'd love for you to list some things a writer could write about regarding marriage that hasn't already been done in the book. Off the top of my head, there's been struggles to make ends meet, Mary Jane with a burgeoning career, mortgages, smoking habits, interactions with exes

How many times can you do a story like a miscarriage, or a separation, divorce, oh no my partner is smoking, etc?

The more I think about it, the more I like it.

This could be fun

What's really "normal" though? Characters go through iterations all the time. Some even get rolled back. True enough, this will be the normal for now, but things will change again. Sometimes you get a Bendis Moon Knight, sometimes you get an Ellis Moon Knight.

I'm pretty sure I said a lot more than that, but it's not my business what you choose to like or don't like. No need to be dickish.

Writers don't have an indispensable amount of material on a subject. Things have to change sometime.

Not any issue I recall and never.

Film wise, I'd say the youngest powered characters would have been Wanda and Pietro. I'm not sure how old Steve and Bucky were when they enlisted, but they definitely didn't act the part of young'uns. So yeah, this is actually new ground for the MCU, which is amusing to think about considering it's concerning one of

Well there's literally nothing else I can add to the conversation. I underlined all the elements I loved about it, but hey, you don't have to like it or even understand why other people do. To each their own.

Good points there, some things I had never thought about in fact. You wouldn't technically need a lady with a ring on it (a long term girlfriend would work just as well), but you're right that Peter needing something deeply personal to protect other than his Aunt added a lot of great tension to that story, and some