Sodas and Fries

Unintentional side effects aside, how is Black Bolt releasing the terrigen mists any different than Cyclops trying to reactivate the mutant gene?

Just saying, business is business.
One of my favourite characters got regressed to a one note villain. I don't like it, but that's how things work. At least they're trying something.

Totally agree, and it'd be great to see happen, ala Radcliffe/Harry Potter almost.

They did? Carol went through a few solo series before they struck something close to success with Kelly Sue DeConnick. It got a lot of buzz and greatwill but didn't light sales on fire. (Great redesign though)

I don't know who's showing their age more - you by referencing the Rockford Files or me by saying I've never watched it. :p

Seeing as the (critically acclaimed) (Eisner winning) series got a whole new generation to care about a character who had been pretty much in limbo, it's a loss I'm sure they can afford to take.

OK fine
Sometimes a character just needs to be brought into the current century within reason.

How are the Inhumans villains? I'm not super in depth up to date but I don't think Black Bolt knew the Terrigen Mists would have such a fatal effect on mutants. I haven't been reading Death Of X so I have no idea what the conflict is currently (other than Madrox is 95% dead :( )
Also I don't believe Cyclops has been

I've heard a lot about the "a lot of us" and "many" people love to refer to, and yet here we are. I actually grew up reading Peter as a married man myself, just like you - crazy right?

It's a great start though. Clearly shows Marvel aren't burying the X-Men like tin hats have been whining forever.


That there's a whole giant line of X-Men books coming out, including the return of Generation X, X-men Gold and Blue teams, and a Jean Grey and Iceman solo?

Haha, fair point. Let's just say the current iteration is wonderful.

The core of what makes Spider-Man to me has more in common with the coming of age of a young man dealing with adult drama, than being married to Mary Jane and the snoozefest of dramatics that came with it. If people want superheroes being married and juggling family life, go read or watch The Fantastic Four. Or the

Yeah well there's millions of people like me! Double millions! We're an all encompassing hive-mind and that justifies my opinion!


Your loss really, FF7 especially, 9, 12, 14 and yes even 15 are all quite good.


My bad

I mean if that had to happen, probably the most interesting thing they could have done.