Sodas and Fries

Give it a couple of years and you'll get your wish. :p

True, and yet Maximum Cloneage was a complete garbage fire but Ben Reilly somehow has his fans.

Are you sure? I mean, it's 2016. Maybe you just had gas.

You say the kid route like Spider-Man has had any other kind of origin

Regardless of who Zendaya is really playing, I'm happy they're focusing on another girl from Spidey's earlier days in Liz Allen.

I'm surprised you didn't run with Guardians Of The Galaxy there, but that's just being a bit pedantic. No, not literally every film in the MCU lead to Civil War, but any film that tackled the formation and the governing of the Avengers/SHIELD (which is a great majority of them) definitely all played a part - and yes,

It's immensely likable in spite of itself, tbh

I firmly believe it was, yes. Look at the characters of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers at their introduction points and then their positions in this film. Every character beat for each character and the Avengers in general that preceded Civil War lead them to this point as characters. The two of them effectively switched

Genuinely sorry to hear about your past tribulations. Regardless, I think you're taking the fact it's called 'Civil War' (a nod to the comic book crossover which had a lot more players on the field) a bit too literal compared to the actual story presented of the film, but if that's what you took away, fair enough. I

Yeah, the fact that MANIMAL doesn't like the thing is as matter of fact as water being wet.

Rhodes was going through intensive physical therapy and could barely walk of his own volition after having a near fatal experience that took a lot of his livelihood taken away - I wouldn't call that close to being repaired, and I'm glad they didn't magic wand it away by the end of the film.

Shit was real in a wider world sense but in an interpersonal sense, things weren't anywhere close to blood-feud level between Team Cap and Team Iron Man. And while both leaders have their bros and confidants, are we really expecting to see Widow or Hawkeye shoot-to-kill another avenger on their say so? Until this

No stakes until someone got shot out of the sky and nearly paralysed. That escalation from kid gloves to out-of-control fracas was the whole point, to show how out of hand everything had become in such a short time (complete with Stark shown to realise this by benching Spider-Man).

Yeah I know, just saying that it could have possibly happened even earlier if they choose to play it that way. Though I'm sure Radcliffe would have noticed.

He's done one or two live gigs (which from what I hear has been a part of his catharsis) but I feel TV is a whole extra load of responsibility. But I dunno, I didn't feel like his mention was a full stop, if anything it was a nice little shout out. Never say never~

Well damn, it's a real life thing.

One or two or more Koenig's are around, but Patton Oswalt lost his wife in the last year so I imagine he's taking a break from TV.

That robot is poooooooooisssssssssooooooooon (poison!)

I'm curious at what point May was bodysnatched - while it makes more sense that it happened sometime this episode, there's an argument that it could have happened much earlier in the season: with May repeatedly brought up as being AIDA's human turing test, maybe she actually did pick AIDA as an android and