Sodas and Fries

Reigns as a heel? While it's what they should do, we have to operate in reality here.

I have to agree, the drama between Steph, Mick and Rollins to a lesser degree was all pretty solid.

She… does?

Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch were doing Dana impressions and calling her Miss Piggy on a pre-show backstage segment before the brand split.

Word on the Shining Stars, who a lot of people seemed happy to prematurely write off. Loved Epico mocking Enzo's dance, if they can really play up that smarmy douchey side more, they'll be just fine.

Enzo rocking an imaginary baby to S-A-W-F-T was something I could have never imagined but somehow feel complete seeing

Why should have Rollins been face when he came back from injury?
Just because a guy is well liked as a wrestler doesn't dictate a face turn, especially if they're still doing exceptionally well in their role. Plus, Rollins as a face versus Ambrose as a face versus Reigns trying to be a face? Nah. They did the right

I personally haven't seen the character act 'uncomfortable' while in her male guise, and in fact if the character ever was so notably uncomfortable then the ruse of having a double life would have already been dead-in-the-water. The character is simply great at adapting to what she feels is needed for the situation,

Can Blue Beetle ever not look like a dork

Currents definitely feels like a production statement by Kevin Parker. I'm amazed there's everything from psychedelia to near R&B on the album (a track which was then covered by Rihanna of all people) and yet it all fits so well.

Polarizing? Compared to what? We've been spoiled by this show if this is what's passing for polarizing.

I know you're feeling clever about the subject, but I don't think it's as obvious as you submit at all.
Whiterose could easily be looked at as bigender or genderfluid if not for Word Of God on the subject.

"I’m guessing that Tyrell Wellick is “the man” in question when Xun references “his friends,” but I’m unsure about “the girl.”"

I don't think his career ever recovered from crippling Droz

Question: who was the #1 women's draft pick for Smackdown?

Settle, Gretel.


I think the whole comment section for the last two weeks is aware how you feel about Nikki Bella. :B

I thought the reaction he got this week was actually a bit understated

Smith is so off the rails it's beginning to retroactively tarnish his older films for me.