Sodas and Fries

Because talent is static and never depreciates?
It's pretty simple: He once did good stuff. He doesn't do good stuff any longer.

Dogma is a decent movie in spite of itself.
You forgot Chasing Amy though

"Becky was clearly going to be the main women's face draw on this roster, but Nikki's return could be a huge spoke in the wheel."

The on-location segment with Slater and Rhyno was just a little bit long but is the kind of humour I'd love the WWE to play up more than "rooty tooty and booty" or Sonny Boy levels of awkward garbage.

Why not?

Even the recent Smackdown recap is out, soooooooooo…

Agreed, I think a hard hitting Dudley Boys v Club program would have done wonders for both.

He's no Will Ospreay


I miss "Chick Magnet" Miz's little robot move.

So basically a whole lot of nothing. Kewl~

You strike me as the type that thought Cena would undoubtedly steamroll Styles. I think these things are more up in the air than ever before.

Holy Odd Couple, Batman.

Bo is going to be the first opponent for the recently acquired Chinese wrestler Bin Wang.

Which is strange because that's exactly what New Day were for half of their reign

B… Bolognese?

Remember when RAW apparently had the advantage because of it's stacked roster and Smackdown had an uphill battle catching up to it? What a difference 3-4 weeks makes. Smackdown this week clearly cemented itself as the better show in my book.

Ha, that's a unique way to put it

Impossible, I only listen to the most finely curated music