Sodas and Fries

Funnily I thought having the wrestlers on the ring apron actually made it look like a larger cast than was seen at the end of Battleground. Didn't look small to me at all.

Sorry, my bad. The whole "never Hillary" line of thinking where people are tying themselves into knots to argue that Trump will somehow be less problematic is something I've seen way too much over the last few days.
Good on you for doing the (relatively) good thing.

Well it's kind of you to say that!

Look, the recent RAW was always going to be hard to beat. A show needs to find it's footing more often than it sticks a landing straight out of the gate, and that should be kept in mind with Smackdown.
This show wasn't bad, it was just average, with the bad bringing down the good. I think the real test will be next

I think it was at nine episodes where I was certain Gotham sucked. It sucks so bad there's actually a poster here named Gotham Sucks. Take a bow, sir!

Emily killing Miles was incredibly random to me - it didn't feel like anything even close to ire had been seeded on her end this season at all, other than the obvious fact she was just slumming it with him.
However he orchestrated covering up Odin's mass shooting, so it's not like he was completely innocent either.

Yeah, when he's not making sure he pins Sting I guess.

Yeah I'll give you the Shawn Michaels comparison.

And yet Seth is still far from McMahon's supposed favoured archetype of musclehead pr0n, such as Cena, Lesnar, Batista, Reigns…
It's not like CM Punk fit that mold either.

Vince McMahon supposedly has a type and yet Seth Rollins held the belt last year for 220 days and has had Roman pinned clean 3 times out of his last 4 matches? Oh and Dean Ambrose has the main championship. Sooooooo

Not something I'd put money on.


Oh Curtis bb, you deserve so much better.

Scouted you too easy mate.
No such thing as racism against whites, hth

"Translation: screw the rest of America that has to deal with the consequences of who's elected, as long as I get my little personal retribution
p.s. I'm likely pretty white"

In fact if there was truly such co-ordinated cheating at the ballots as some would like to believe, Bernie wouldn't have won as much as he did at all.

Like, if you want to reform how the government works because boo two party etc etc? Maybe do it after the election so the rest of country isn't saddled with a dangerous xenophobe pandering manchild thanks to your cause.

Well if that ain't the whitest comment I've read today

Between this and Stranger Things, we're pretty much spoiled when it comes to music scores.

Can you point me towards some kind of ascii art foundry that can express how much of a cool guy you are?