Sodas and Fries

Wonder Woman just looked like a gender bent Captain America: The First Avenger.

Gotta pace yourself.

"Following a trial in which DC Comics sued Fawcett Comics for breach of copyright, claiming Fawcett's Captain Marvel was too similar to Superman, the latter stopped publishing Captain Marvel. In the late sixties Marvel gained the trademark "Captain Marvel" with their first series, forcing DC to call their Captain

Hot damn.

You need better priorities in life

Can't deny that!

Nowhere close. It faltered in the last third but overall it was pretty good.

Agent Carter not being renewed for a third season doesn't negate the fact it was critically well reviewed.

I thought Season 3 finished super strong. Oh well.

They were clearly putting money back into the economy by eating at a local

Looks cheesy. But at least it's not total self serious dreck! Baby steps.

Great visual representation at the least

Preeetty much

Louis Cypher. Angel Heart or gtfo

I dunno, I understood what he was getting at but hasn't he seen the graph that shows actual wars started by religion wars versus in total? Drop in the ocean. I thought you were meant to be more informed Elliot!!1

If you've seen a dick that looks like a cartoon horse's face I advise whoever owns it to run, not walk, to a doctor.

My bingo card just spontaneously exploded.



I know exactly what X-Pac Heat is. X-Pac Heat is where a wrestler is being booed not because they're great at being a bad guy, but because they're an utter black hole of entertainment and charisma that nobody wants to see either on the ring or on the mic.
Conversely, Miz is entertaining, is decent in the ring and on