Sodas and Fries

Right? It makes more sense for it to be part of a show which supposedly has a mandate about shining a light on the underdogs and has Daniel Bryan as a freakin' GM.

Well usually when someone makes a negative statement about why something is "shit", they're both saying they're above it and the people who do like it have some kind of mental deficiency. If you're genuinely curious though, I'm sure you'll get better replies with some tactful rewording

I appreciate your patronage x

I fail to see the difference between Brock's booking and anyone else booked as a monster heel, such as the Undertaker of yore. Brock's MMA prestige is just Undertaker's supernatural powers. If it wasn't him, it'd be someone else.

Being no-nonsense is part of the schtick. I'd say he doesn't need mic skills. He's a taciturn force of nature; that is his personality/gimmick.

They've been a pretty entertaining unit as of late - Anderson and Gallows have been given a chance to show more personality and Styles is killing it as a heel. But overall I'd rank them highly based on further potential.

I think there's some wrestlers that you watch purely for their athletic ability - their technicality, the spots they can do - and there's the ones you watch because they tell a story in spite of whatever their moveset is. For me, Lesnar is in the latter. Not that I don't like watching him throw German suplexes, I

Why some people post in an article about this shit to make a comment wondering why people watch this shit as if it elevates themselves over others despite posting on the same general website about this shit is an even profounder mystery to me *smokes bubble pipe*


Counter hot take: What makes Brock exciting is the legitimacy he brings. His reputation as a combat athelete makes up half of his character in the same way Undertaker's mystique and theatrics make up his. Lesnar doesn't need to do anything but suplexes because they're real. He sells the moves just by performing them.

Wow, I was on board with the rankings until I noticed The Club wasn't even in the top 10. Not only do you get AJ Styles (who should be much higher than 13 already) and a world renowned tag-team pairing, but you get a faction/brand ready to expand with someone like Balor or Nakamura that you just need to plug-in and

I didn't even take note of her weight and upon review she's not even close to eating disorder skinny. Some people are just naturally thin framed or don't keep much body fat, especially when young.

Was "nerf herder" in vogue yet or was that more of an early 90s thing?

Well, except for Lucas
*shakes fist in Lucas' direction*

If heresay is your thing

Great read, love his work.

This is so 80's it's great - from the title to the score. Also takes the best parts from Spielberg-esque fare while leaving behind the saccharine qualities.


A psych ward/rehab facility that let's him come and go so easily?
Unless all of his outside excursions are a hallucination? It'd explain why he eats all the time with the same person, but it doesn't explain Gideon or Ray.

Well it is only the start of the season.