Sodas and Fries

The story about Eugene shooting his crush may be his own cover story.

"But to go from that to “I’m going to risk my life on the assumption that you’re a good bloke at heart” is a bit much."

"Leave the sociopaths alone: a A.V. Club comment section thinkpiece"


I'm sure whatever you like is as equally terrible or worse :/

Just to re-establish the framing of this discussion, you're talking about mouth breathing morons in a thread regarding WWE pro-wrestling.
Let's not pretend we're part of some grander art-form than schlocky Summer blockbuster films here.

So very underrated.

The difference is that the really embarrassing stuff that you're thinking of, along the lines of Shockmaster and whatnot, wasn't stuff done on purpose at all. Someone actually thought a silver spraypainted Stormtrooper helmet would be badass.
Final Deletion however was done by people who were clearly in on it from the

Eh. The problem was that it was presented as a serious segment instead of something that knows it's silly, and I'm just like… who's holding the camera then? And why did they bother adding all of these grindhouse-esque effects in post?

Well no, popularity doesn't always equate to genius, but it does show that something worked. I think anyone chugging so much hatorade that they refuse to recognise that something clearly worked well is the real sadness here. :p

Well I have no personal axe to grind against either of them, I'm just taking it for what it is; and it's clearly meant to be goofy and schlocky.

Matt is talking in a bad accent, summons Jeff by playing a violin, and there's drones that have hologram videos. What made you think that it wasn't trying to be bad?

Well you're already wrong tbh, it drove ratings up by 100,000+, had reactions across the industry and out, and is being quoted around on social media like Napoleon Dynamite.
You don't have to be a fan of someone to give credit where credit due.

You could say the same about face HBK

I thought it was a jab more at CM Punk than Lesnar at first.

I have no idea what Casual even is
Bye Casual!


It really wasn't a match, per se. The whole idea of the thing was to be one giant spot, basically what a B-movie is to cinema, i.e. so bad it's good. Anything that involves the quote "It's a dilapidated boat!" is genius as far as I'm concerned.

The Final Deletion was so janky and batshit ridiculous. Aka, great.
