I think he actually does a solid job when the shows allow him to be kind of a big kid goofball. Which is what the character should be anyway. They just refuse to write him that way.
I think he actually does a solid job when the shows allow him to be kind of a big kid goofball. Which is what the character should be anyway. They just refuse to write him that way.
The Iron Fist series was meh. But I like Finn Jones as Danny Rand. He should be referred to as the Immortal Iron Fist, Protector of Kun-Lun, and Sworn Enemy of The Handat every opportunity, because that’s hilarious. But I like Danny and look forward to more stuff with him.
The terrible fight choreography isn’t on him.…
I liked Jessica Jones a little better, but I think Luke Cage has promise & Mike Colter is a good lead, if you don’t expect him to do too much emoting (which he shouldn’t need to).
Ugh, I know its an unpopular opinion but I was genuinely excited for the Halo trailer. As someone that has beat all of them (except ODST) as soon as they came out, I’m ready to renter that world. It was vague, showed absolutely nothing aside from the fact that it might be open world, but the idea is all I needed to…
I know, right? It’s disgusting that women are allowed to have careers.
good thing your opinion literally doesn’t matter.
HEEEEEEEyyyyyyy.....Easy now.....
I work in healthcare...it IS a major issue.
The real life people are really interesting in this regard. From CEO to teacher to a priest. They are an odd collection, but it is somehow endearing to see them still have relationships 20-30 years later. Not my idea of fun or how I’d plan to keep in touch but whatever works, I guess.
As an almost 40 year old, while being responsible with careers, kids and other adult things, when my old high school friends and I get together things can devolve into fun-loving mayhem as well, if just for the one night or day we are together.
Every time someone begins a sentence with “Look, I’m not sexist but” it means that what they are going to say is extremely sexist.
Congratulations- you have no idea what it’s like to be at the lowest levels of depression, but you’ve spouting off about it anyway.
That’s horrible. I understand where you’re coming from, but mental illness doesn’t work that way. You can’t blame people like that. Well, I guess you can, but it isn’t fair. I’ve known a lot of people who have killed themselves and I and others have been hurt by it every time. But never did I have such scorn for them.
People with children are not allowed to have crippling depression. Got it. Thanks for that. I’ll keep it in mind.
You didn’t attend her funeral? So as you say this was a women who you knew since you were toddlers. I assume that means you were pretty good friends. Instead of being there for those two children when they probably need people the most you got on your high horse and road away.
Yeah, because that’s definitely a real thing. Don’t you have a pizza parlor to shoot up, you fucking QAnon lunatic?
Trank made a pretty solid, moderately unconventional superhero movie on a modest budget. He was a logical choice. It didn’t work, but still.
Daredevil took too long to get going? Really? By the end of episode 1, we’ve been introduced to Matt Murdock’s supporting cast, at least 6 of the series’ villains (depending on how you want to count the 2nd Russian brother and Turk), gotten a partial explanation of DD’s origin and relationship with his father, and had…
I’m tired of the constant subtext of these films...somebody better fuck a robot this time!