
Hey! I thought you said there was no mention of Trump on the album!

Most reasonable people like to see racist scum fail.

I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.

Teddy’s dead; long live Murderbot 9000

I just read it as memory lapse and trying to drive home the point that he didn’t know his family that well because he was so consumed by Westworld.

I love how much of a matter-of-fact bitch he’s being to Dolores for changing him and then treating him just like Old Teddy.

Are people actually bored of Maeve’s story? She is by far the most interesting to me. She seems more “awake” than Delores. Before Delores saw her papa get stolen I couldn’t even follow what she was trying to do. Still not sure about her goals, even though she is always talking about them, she’s just so abstract.

Uh, you know Observer isn’t exactly credible, right? Do you not know whose vanity paper it is?

You have a Kinja handle. You’re obligated not to.

Yes. Even with a base assumption of support for accusers it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be critical or not seek confirmation, additional information. Otherwise how do we distinguish between very, very rare false accusations. Non-abusive uncomfortable situations. And real accusations. How do we distinguish isolated

It might be an awkward thing to say, but is not being attracted to an ethnicity really racism? Do we get to decide who we’re attracted to?

As a fan of the original movie which haunted me for years, I’m not sure I see the need for a remake, but there is always room for a new interpretation, I guess...

can we just go ahead and flag JuniperandSage out of this thread?

How dare someone honestly relay their experience with something when asked!

Nah, screw that. The vast majority of the world lives in utter poverty and you and I make hundred times more than they do and we can still not enjoy our jobs. Just because somebody makes more than you do, doesn’t mean that they can’t be unhappy with their job or work environment.

Dr Pedantry is in attendance and they’ve got tantrumy things to tell you!

I’m sick of TV shows about cops, docs and lawyers but somehow we never complain about THAT fatigue.

I think you completely misunderstood the point of that Hamm interlude, it was very clearly about the delusion of narcissism rather than anything to do with technology or Black Mirror. Technology and shadows in caves were just used as a means of illustrating the point.