The Name's Bond, Gold Bond Powder.

Also be sure to invest in a good pair of bootstraps.

Oh I agree that “economic” reasons are often a bullshit reason to cover true motives like you said.

It’s especially funny because his last name is Weiner, which is sometimes used as a slang word for “penis.”

Plus many people don’t realize how ridiculously low the current minimum wage is, so when they hear $15 an hour they go “HOLY SHIT!!! That’s over double what they are currently making!!! There’s no way our economy can absorb that kind of raise.”

The cognitive disconnect that lower class voters have voting Republican, because of the hope of better economic opportunities, when Republicans oppose almost EVERY minimum wage proposal out there, is truly amazing.

Teachers are just a bunch of union thugs who are in it for the money.

Oh this is SOP in Michigan.

The only reason they’re so evenly split is that the Wings have been a model franchise for 25 years, while the Leafs have consistently shit the bed.


She spends hundreds of millions to take away hope and opportunities from children, and she will, in a totally cold blooded fashion, insist she’s doing it because she cares so much and is trying to help.

Betsy DeVos story:

Because people are stupid and evil.

And the fact she specifically targets children.

She is pure evil. End of story.

It really takes a special kind of monster to dedicate your life to the explicit purpose of harming children.

While wearing a ball gag and holding a ceramic dildo.

I’m sad he’s dead because I’ll never again get to experience the joy of hearing that he’s dead.

We are all richer for having lost him.

Republicans gotta keep America safe from the real threats.