
You're an idiot then. Don't shit on stuff you have no idea about

Nope, it won’t. The way the nomination and award process for the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences works means that it’s out of the question that it could be awarded.
For one thing, Bitcoin is far too new, and the Economics prize is never awarded to anything that has not gained a scientific consensus as being important

Wow, it wasn’t perfect so it’s not worthy of recognition. And I guess Einstein is a dope because he made mistakes in all seven proofs of E=mc2

Groundbreaking != perfected

I bought something off of NewEgg yesterday and saw they accept Bitcoin. My surprise at this is, I think, further proof that I’m getting old.

Oh jeez not this shit again. This isn’t a new theory, and isn’t especially compelling.

What about Bitcoin is shady?

I’m not Black either, but I can defend their positions. Does your ignorance sort of creep up on you, or does it smack you in the face like a fish?

Translation: I can’t be bothered to support my position.
Speaking of morons. Bitcoin is backed by MATH. That people use it to buy drugs, doesn’t mean it’s backed by drugs.

Now playing

I rather enjoyed that exchange (ppp got a bit truculent toward the end, but nonetheless)

Why is it every time I read an article on Gizmodo about Bitcoin people have to piss on it? For a tech site the readers here seem to fear Bitcoin a bit more than expected.

The reason it’s so hard for most people to understand Bitcoin is that most people don’t really understand money. Money isn’t wealth. It’s an accounting system used to facilitate the exchange of wealth. (The paradox of money is that while everyone wants it, no one actually wants it – they want the stuff they can buy

It’s always interesting to see 2 different opinions going at each other every times a new technology coming out. Like people laughed at the internet in early days, of course Bitcoin can’t be compared with the Internet because it’s still too early, it’s not success yet. People, who don’t like bitcoin, are like pets

Because one whether you believe in Bitcoin or not the underlying technology of the blockchain has a potential applications in many fields that could change the way we do things as we move centralized methods of having to inherently trust certain groups/people to a decentralized system where trust comes from everyone

the companies facilitating those transmissions make a lot of money doing it. western union takes big fee. just like amex takes 3% of every transaction from the business you are trying to pay, plus another 250bps or so for int’l transaction. if the blockchain actually turned into the standard lots of companies go away.

They made bitcoins divisible down to a much lower level (more decimal places) than current currency. So even as bitcoins get lost forever, the existing ones just increase in value to pick up the slack. So if a bitcoin is worth $3 when there are 21 million, and we get down to 2.1 million later on, a bitcoin should be

I’m not a bitcoin guy, but I’m pretty sure the US Dollar beats it for complicated Monopoly money . . .