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    The blockchain is the main achievement here, and calling it a “flawed proof of concept” shows that you are out of touch with the reality of this invention. Satoshi’s invention is now a topic that major corporations and banks discuss very extensively. We are seeing NASDAQ using the blockchain now for stocks. IBM is

    The main achievement of satoshi is that he is the inventor of the crypto economic construct known as “the blockchain” - With bitcoin being the first, the most secure, and most widely used implementation. There are now so many companies and banks wanting to use the blockchain for various purposes.

    Very interesting. I have seen alot about methods to use bitcoin and blockchains to manage the transfer the transfer of art and music and even using it to track the provenance of rare art in a trustless manner. For example, Imogen Heap is developing a blockchain system for music that removes middlemen. But this is the

    I specifically said that coinbase did not count for all bitcoin users - actual numbers will be larger than what is going on with coinbase because they are only one company, not all users are on coinbase. Many users are not even going to be registered with any website. Live user count isn’t something that can be easily

    I do see plenty of bitcoin related content not on bitcoin websites. For example, CNBC and Wired regularly publish bitcoin related content. American Banker, surprisingly, is always publishing bitcoin related articles. Go search all this yourself, it is all there. But if you only stick to one measly source like gizmodo,

    I’m all ears. Saying the total number of bitcoin users is decreasing is a rather bold claim, so I am actually very interested to see your source of data supporting that claim.

    I can show data for number of actual physical users using coinbase - probably the biggest bitcoin company and wallet provider. Users on coinbase link up their actual bank accounts (like how paypal does it). It started in 2012 with zero users, at the end of 2013, it had over 650,00 users, and now it has over 2.5

    how exactly are you measuring users? can you provide this data?

    choose your preferred method of measuring users in 2012 and 2015, and any reasonable person looking at that data will have to conclude that the number of users is indeed increasing. Bitcoin is the biggest and best working example of a blockchain, but we are seeing others sprout up all over the place. saying the

    yes, growing. Blockchain Technology is currently growing in so many different directions. What aspect exactly stopped growing in 2012?

    *growing technology.

    Bitcoin is still alive and well - it isn’t “dead” by any metric. It is still in the early stages.

    actually, we don’t know how much of each bitcoin payment Newegg keeps in bitcoin and how much they convert to dollars (only Newegg and bitpay really know). Bitpay allows merchants to choose any percentage to keep in bitcoin vs fiat. Bitpay has said that about half of all merchants they are partnered with keep some

    In Greece, if you want to send money out of the country, you can’t send money using banks, you can’t send money using paypal, can’t use creditcards for payments out of the country, and Western Union is closed. However, if you have bitcoin, you can bypass these draconian capital controls VERY easily. No wonder bitcoin

    Only time will tell for sure.

    “It is not people with centralized control over money that need to change... people themselves need to. People are always the problem, not the system.” Wow, I can’t believe you just said that. The current banking system REQUIRES people at the top with full control and no transparency - and somehow, the best way to

    not true - you can keep the same blockchain (and all the old coins) while switching the algorithm. Peercoin has already shown this to be quite doable.

    “companies will die because all of their money is in the existing bitcoin... not the new ones.” What a fundamental misunderstanding you have there. All old and new coins will be still be as usable, since it is the same blockchain being used regardless of the type of proof of work mining (or proof of stake). There are

    There is more to the bitcoin community than miners. The community will choose a new algorithm vs staying and the NSA fork (compromised).

    Like I said, a very few might fit your description. But the simple math is if they are in the red, they can’t keep operating: profit = keep on operating. No profit = will close down, because there are costs to cover.