@Pretty Pink Pwnie: Look at all the views each article gets though. Can you blame them? #modernwarfare2controllerfacepl...
@Pretty Pink Pwnie: Look at all the views each article gets though. Can you blame them? #modernwarfare2controllerfacepl...
@katsujinken: So I should always have access to those 3 friends to be at my house whenever I wanna play? No. Like robpe36 said, when you're out of high school, you don't have your friends over oyur house all the time to play games, we have other things to do or live elsewhere now. No online play is a huge negative…
@SocraticMethod: Actually, they're still fuckin hypocrites for playing the game. Now they're no different than the average pirate. #modernwarfare2
LMFAO! I knew it! All talk, they're always all talk.
@Alexander-the-Supernaut: I skipped the level on my second playthrough and I didn't get any cutscene. #modernwarfare2
@Tossy: The point of the game (or any good film or novel for that matter) is to be immersed in the story and to feel the emotion of the characters. They did this very well but too much in the level.
@senselocke: Your argument is much better than the way Totilo presented it. I agree with a lot of what you said. I still found it unnecessary and I think watching the level instead of playing it would have brought about the same sense of emotion. I do like your point about guilt though. It does make you feel…
@dagtastic: I generally agree with you. Most games are just made to be fun. This game (as well as a select few) is made to craft a compelling and more realistic story and is intended to immerse you (which is a great thing). I just think that level made me very uncomfortable and I'm a pretty desensitized person. #mo…
Two problems with Totilo's argument:
Despite being overshadowed now by MW2 I hope people don't forget this game for GOTY. The single player campaign is one of the best in a game ever. The multiplayer isn't nearly as deep as MW2's but it's great and pretty original too. #uncharted2amongthieves
@omgwtflolbbl: I still don't put too much weight to that comment. CS 1.6 has the most dedicated group of gamers on the planet. The game's 10 years old (maybe more) and people still play it like crazy. #modernwarfare2
@BryceMeiklejohn: The multiplayer is amazing but the single player isn't as good as the first imo.
@onesimos005: It may outsell one version of MW2 (not the 360 version for sure but maybe PS3 or PC) but there's no freakin way its outselling all versions of it. #modernwarfare2
@Gustavo Gonzalez: I highly doubt they steered away .8 mil customers in the UK on that. Worldwide maybe. I have a feeling that with all the grumbling about the PC version only about 25% of those people will stick to not purchasing the game. #modernwarfare2
@kyle4: What game is that? #modernwarfare2
Servers are up and running fine now. I even was able to join a friend's game finally. (I know it's only been a day and a half but it seems long :))
@ThisCharmingMan: I own a 360 but I consider myself but I'm not a big fan of it and much prefer my PS3. Just owning the console doesn't mean you're not a fanboy.
@vacuuum: Exactly what I think. While this is some bullshit, this does not equal $50. People act like stuff like this is common on PSN. It's not.
@GoonerVance: But I would think that since Demonware is owned by Activision it'd be cheaper to use Demonware for PS3's servers than paying MS for their servers. #modernwarfare2
@Stream Of Consciousness: I would gladly deal with this issue for a day or two to save me $50. Because other than this issue PSN performs perfectly fine and never has these kinds of issues (which is why this is Activision's fault and not Sony's). #modernwarfare2