@incubushead: While I agree with you that I don't understand the anticipation for this game, everything else you said was ridiculous.
@incubushead: While I agree with you that I don't understand the anticipation for this game, everything else you said was ridiculous.
@khuntilla: It was. Terrible demo for a terrible era of Star Wars lore.
@tsukijin: I think it looks pretty awesome, even though it's pink.
@Foxstar is in love with Kotaku's two Brians.: I disagree. I don't think they removed BC for this reason. They removed it to lower the price/cost of the PS3 as fast as possible. I think Sony just didn't expect so many people to complain about the lack of PS2 BC and this followed after that.
@Jashin_Slayer: The difference being that we will get some great games, not some mediocre-good games from the original xbox's semi-decent lineup (with a couple great games in there). The PS2 and Dreamcast have classic games that are rare and would be worth rebuying for many people.
Please oh please be:
@Jaysunli: Lol.
@Yaywalter: It's not a matter of effort, it's a matter of time, cost (to pay a higher paid GS agent), and mostly convenience.
@level250geek: Oh, and Best Buy pretty much already has the customer's personal information so it's not a big deal. Besides, setting up a PSN account doesn't necessarily mean putting their credit card on it too.
@level250geek: Best Buy has been like this before CC went under, and they're by no means a monopoly. They compete with several other retail chains like Fry's, Target, Walmart, Staples, Office Depot, Gamestop, Costco, and Radio Shack, not to mention online retailers like Amazon or Newegg.
@Go Go Gadget: Gizmo: Umm, they increased the price of the service plan for just that reason, it now includes accidental damage. Besides, would the average person rather pay $15 on an extended warranty that most likely won't be used, or $30 on one that includes if he drops it in the toilet, runs it over, spills soda…
Why do people make this big fuss about Best Buy/Geek Squad doing this?? You're not forced to buy it, they usually don't even offer these kind of services unless you look like a moron or old person. These services are there for the convenience of the ignorant customer with expendable income. They are not catered…
So I'm the only one who questions the picture, that it's at least touched up?
@kakashi3488 bye dad I will always miss you: "Who cares if it's morally wrong?"
@ManBearChef: "Obvious fanboy is obvious".
@Komrade Kayce: I've absolutely NEVER heard of a yellow light of death for PS3, and I go on kotaku, joystiq, gamespot, etc. quite often. And not one person I know with a PS3 has ever had it. I think this YLOD thing you're talking about is EXTREMELY rare and nowhere near the rate of RROD on 360s.
Once again a JRPG is shown to only have been a timed (and paid, most likely) exclusive for 360. I really wish they wouldn't do this. It's becoming very predictable now.
@(Human) Gyaruson: I agree. I think Season 3 wasn't as good as the first two, but it's still better than anything on television right now. I think Season 2 of Dexter was probably the single best season of television ever.
Umm, wtf are Wampas in the Rebel base?
@Daxtinator: I LOVE Star Wars (despite the total shit it has become in the past 10 years).