
@theflux: I asked that same question earlier. It seems pretty ambiguous. It needs to be worded better.

@Mundus: That's how I interpreted the question. I like to think of it the same way.

I'm always confused on the "Do you want to play ___?" questions. I've already played Braid so I no longer want to play it. But I did before I beat it.

@Adhominem: I personally think 300 sucked. A plain, no frills story, over-glorified action, spartans on steroids, and annoying dialogue ("This is madness!" "This is Sparta!"). I was hoping this movie would've been filmed more in the liking of something like Gladiator, more realistic, and with actual scenery.

@Noyse: Tekken and Scribblenauts will not be in the running I bet, especially Tekken.

@KagaSakai: I'll have to wait for Uncharted 2 and Modern Warfare 2, but so far, as resounding HELL YES! :)

@the7k: Are you kidding me? You really missed Robin? I never even thought of him during the game.

I'm so glad they sold a lot of copies. Not only is the game GREAT, but they offerred promo codes for getting it cheaper, pre-order goodies, collectors edition, free downloadable content, etc.

@Alex_Mexico: I never understood why these games are the anomaly having X and O reversed, but when I saw that it would be like that I got happy. For some reason I like my FF games to have O as the action button and X for cancel.

@rich8606: X has been the standard main button on nearly every game since PS1. Have you not adjusted to this still?

@PapaBear434: I agree. I hate the news ticker, it's useless info anyway. Dump that, the grey boxes around my friends, make the icons small again, and 3.0 will be good.

Thank god they're thinking of making the large icons optional.

@NoHoldsBarred: Their Xmas lineup is pretty solid already imo. I think it's just to garner more interest in those new to the series for GoW3 in March.

I also hate the zoomed in XMB and the gray boxes around my friends list. I looks very cheesy, and more cluttered. It seemed totally unneccesary and now I can see less of my content at the same time. Please give us an option to switch back to the old format.

@Orionsaint: They both looked great on my Sony Bravia, for PS2 games. I think this new upgraded port will make the games look damn near next-gen quality.

A BR with every PS1 FF game would be amazing. Also a BR for all the PS2 era FFs would be great too.

Buzz is way better than Scene It.

@Archaotic: THey even have this guy wearing a half-tucked in shirt in the beginninig.

Shadow Complex is better than every game on the 360 (not just XBLA) other than Mass Effect. Seriously. This game is that fun. WHo cares if it nearly rips off Super Metroid in everyway?