@agies: What's so hit and miss about it?
@agies: What's so hit and miss about it?
It's shit like this why I hate XBL. I'm not paying for what I can do for free (and better) on my PC. The only thing good about it was Netflix and I can do that now and more with PlayOn on my PS3. I'm not renewing my subscription for XBL when it expires next month. Total waste of money.
@ManBearChef: Yes because I want to play a PS1 on my laptop and not my TV, and have to buy a new controller to do it on that small screen. >_>
@bobtheduck: I was thinking of that too. They should've added PS1 BC and built-in rechargeable battery for PS3.
@fauxbravo: XBL does have some good features but it's not worth paying $50 a year for when PSN is free. My subscription expires this September and I'm not renewing it because I can do the same stuff I want on PSN except Netflix. However, I just spent $30 for PlayOn which will do much more than Netflix on my PS3,…
How about instead of working on a slim they just make a 360 that won't overheat and give me disc read errors after a year?
@Vivalacherry: I'm with you. I fail to see why this is such a problem.
Don't forget The Last Samurai. That had an amazing score by Hans Zimmer.
@InconspicuouslyConspicuous: Moded!
@OutsideTheBox: Seriously. After that experience (especially during his teens) he will only be more fueled and justified to be a terrorist.
looks exactly like Fat Princess to me
@peterpanpiper2: When has a FF game for a major console flopped?
@Kobun: Because PSN stuff all releases on the same day every week, Thursday.
@Thomaticus: I wish it came out on PS3 so I can get rid of my 360, because it's the only thing I have it for other than Netflix. I don't like any of the other 360 exclusives really.
@johnLD: The thing is, I already subscribe to Netflix and would like to use it on my PS3. I don't want to pay to rent each individual movie I watch on top of my Netflix account. You see?
I am looking forward to seeing the slims in stores and at my friends' houses but I love my 60gb. I alomst wanna get a slim though but 60gb PS3 has been worth every penny.
@Sweetchorizo: They're still going to sell the Arcade aren't they?
@spannu: LMFAO!
@Bialia: That's what I was thinking. How do GRIN develop a Final Fantasy game? I thought FFs were always internally developed by SE. Did GRIN have any experience with RPGs?
@bobtheduck: Why would they add BC to the PS3 when they're still selling hundreds of thousands of PS2s?