You definitely just lack an understanding of the gay community. I'll answer your questions from my perspective as a gay man, not trying to speak for the whole community here though.
You definitely just lack an understanding of the gay community. I'll answer your questions from my perspective as a gay man, not trying to speak for the whole community here though.
Or maybe it has the word gay in the name not to describe the people invited, but to describe the topics to be discussed/ celebrated.
Outside of some gay bars, there are very few public gay things that are queer only. Our whole thing is inclusivity, you know?
It was held in San Francisco. An anti-gay protest wouldn't go over very well here...
The account, parody or not, is still very clearly anti gamer. It's not just parodying religious conservative moms, it's pulling out the reactionary, pedantic, misogynist idiots that infest gamer "culture" and mocking them for getting angry at what amounts to a big joke on them.
Worse than dudebros, it's the libertarian/reddit/MRA types that really suck on here.
I'm gay and I kind of agree with you. Not necessarily because of the whole "marriage sucks" argument but because of the freedom the comes along with being on the outside of the straight world. I'm not pressured to get married, have kids, or settle down and the idea of a monogamous relationship is an option, not a…
So if I understood this correctly at the start of the game you'll be working under this guy then you'll switch and end up fighting against the US military? That's the only thing about this that sounds interesting.
"I'll definitely think less of them for using them."
Lol "art games" are just about the only thing giving the gaming world any legitimacy. Technically pretty graphics isn't really going to do much to advance the medium, we're already 90% there, and moving in that direction anyways. If we keep up this cycle of just putting out the same shit year after year (I haven't…
Considering a lot of them look flash-based, it wasn't inconceivable that they'd run on OSX. I for one was glad EricMueller wrote that comment because now I know I shouldn't bother checking it out.
I agree with your overall point but "evil pieces of shit rape people" is a simplistic view that ends up hurting the cause more than helping it. The truth is, a lot of men (and some women) rape people, not just the evil ones. Until we accept that we're never going to make an effort to improve.
Right. Because over 90% of games star a white male protagonist in the name of art.
The whole ideal is actually to have every group of people represented accurately in any given medium. Under that goal, it makes complete sense to care when a game has a female protagonist, because we're working our way towards the goal.
Nope, getting excited/ wanting to support games that represent groups that are underrepresented is not sexist at all.
I'm confused at what those points are referring too/ arguing for. I already assumed both of the rappers were solo artists/ in other groups on their own time (not that that makes them any good), and that obviously Skrillex isn't rapping/writing the lyrics. My point is that the product is not well done.
Yikes. Skrillex needs to stop working with rappers. Brash EDM rap just doesn't mesh, especially when the lyricists are sub-par.
Seriously? I completely disagree. I'm only 5 episodes in but the last two episodes (4 and 5) have kind of flipped everything on it's head.
You're right, I can afford a gaming pc. But I don't want one. I want a Mac. The hardware is far better, the trackpad is wondrous, the gesture support is unmatched, my screen is amazing, OSX is more fun, more beautiful, and just as customizable as Windows 8, I have direct access to the command line for work, there are…