
I think the original Vaas is hot

The game should have just ended after you kill Vass in my opinion... it dragged out unnecessarily to me.

The shouting was the only funny part. When I saw the top hat I was ready to shut off the video because I thought it was going to be stupid, but the shouting was pretty funny to me. If they did it better with more phrases or inflections on the quote it would have been better though.

I will never understand this argument. Who started the rumor that macs don't have right click? Because they most definitely do.

I have nfc and haven't used it once since I got my galaxy nexus in 2011.

Yeah and now that I think about it dedicated handheld gaming devices like the Vita go way beyond ps2 almost into ps3 territory which is extra amazing.

GBA was released in 2001 though, couldn't it play games on par with systems from 1991?

I have a similarly specced 17" mbp from 2011 that runs dishonored maxed out (maybe with anti aliasing turned off). Not saying that dishonored is nearly as intensive as farcry but you can do some decent gaming on a mbp.

Safari has some great features on osx. Pinch to zoom is beautifully fluid, and all of the other trackpad gestures are just fantastic. Unfortunately, it's still not as great as Chrome.

It most certainly does not make you even more of a hipster

I had very active parents and I've still sent out a few naked photos in my time. Usually only to people I was dating though. It's fun! Eventually we're going to get to the point when like 50% of the population has some inappropriate photos floating around the internet and maybe then it will finally be treated like

Draven is the worst. Sounds like your kid should be a vampire, and not the sexy kind.

When he followed it up with "That's one hot turkey" I just didn't even know what to do with myself.

I thought all of the cheering about his death was a little unsettling, to be honest.

I'm pretty sure you have to pay to make an account. Or at least I think that's the way it was when I played it in 2007.

I can't remember the last time I wore a hoodie with the hood on, and I'm a college student so hoodies are like 80% of my wardrobe.

hahahah at "what is hot or not, dope or wack." Fantastic. I'd love for you to tell me what is "hot" and what is "not". Is Wiz Khalifa "dope" ? What about homework? I bet that's totally "wack".

While I don't think he should have been the one to write this particular article, I don't see how him not building his own PC invalidates him as a tech writer.

Lol that is ridiculous. No, many people do not have time to play every game that comes out in a year. I have maybe 2-3 hours of free time a night, and I don't spend 100% of it playing games. That means I can finish maybe 5-10 games (of decent length) a year if I really worked at it.

The acting and writing is 100% top notch. I still have yet to play another game that matches the ballad of gay tony in those areas. To me they are collectively the funniest game series I've ever played, but humor is totally relative so if you disagree thats whatever.