
I'm sorry, but you must not have your brainstem firmly attached to come to that conclusion based on this article.

Exactly. I thought it was just just a kinda funny, kinda cool add.

Tbh I would be really disappointed if it didn't have both an A5 chip and a better camera. But I'm willing to bet that it will.

Yes. This is all I want. I've been replaying San Andreas but the graphics get in the way far too much for it to be enjoyable.

Damn. I've been planning on getting the next iPhone whenever that comes out but this does look really nice. I find it kind of surprising that microsoft, a company with a pretty business-y and boring (to me) desktop OS comes out with the most beautiful and flashy mobile OS around. A stylish interface is a huge plus to

Whew! They sure dodged that bullet!

I think something is wrong with me. I've used computers my entire life, I'm on one 2-3 hours a day, and I type relatively fast, but I still look at my keyboard 90% of the time. It's a bad habit I know, but for some reason I can't break it.

I really doubt apple will be making "rugged" anything.

I really hope this doesn't pass. This is a perfect example of stopping something that doesn't hurt anybody at all. I can't think of a way that this would make the music industry lose any money at all.

I think you can turn off the 3d screen too.

Okay that song was amazing, anybody know the name of it?

I went to Starscape on saturday so I think I saw the concert of the future two days ago.

I don't know if "steals" is the correct term for what they did, but yea, I'd argue that now that iOS has "stolen" these features, it may very well be the best OS out. Basically, the problems fixed by this update are the only complaints I've ever had about iOS, the only reasons why I wouldn't leave my Droid for an

I don't think anyone disliked the notification bar on android. Its a bit of an obvious idea that is completely unobtrusive and extremely helpful. It's one reason I've stuck with android all of this time. Now that iOS has it I may make the switch this fall.

I could not be happier that portal 2 didn't have any references to cake. All of the dumb jokes about it completely ruined my memories of the first game.

Forza and GT are way more realistic than Dirt, but that really doesn't say much about which games look better. I've always enjoyed Dirt 2's graphics more than Forza 3's. Yes, Forza and GT look real. But Dirt is 10x more visually interesting. It stylises the real world to make it more colorful and alive than it really

Gawker is pretty much the same as the rest, but it's nice that we get our news with a side of intelligent sarcasm and snark. That's hard to find on tv outside of the daily show and the colbert report.

To me, it isn't about doing what is "natural" it's about doing what is right. Yes, we have teeth that were designed for eating animals, but now we are at the point where we don't HAVE to eat animals to survive. The amount of animal suffering that goes on every single second isn't right. It may be "natural" but it

Facebook got too complicated. Sure, it can do everything, and sometimes that is nice, but I've found that twitter suits my needs perfectly. Twitter is also more fun because the relatives haven't yet caught on.

I don't think that it is "pointless." I mean, Google came out with a new service, and this article basically tells you that it isn't quite ready yet and offers a hefty amount of evidence too. I wouldn't have been surprised if Google's Instant Mix worked really well, or at least better than iTunes' Genius, but now i