
the irony being that the people who will have been listening to her that will be voting trump don’t believe in science.

That 2nd clip I want someone to say ‘How did we get here?’ and then elliot goes all Falkor and says “WITH LUCK OF COURSE!”

the books idea came from Siobhan Dowd, whose premature death from cancer prevented her from writing it herself. Patrick ness basically wrote it to honor her and he nailed it... and yes del toro has claimed to love Dowd so... TLDR- you is correctz.

it looks like it’s staying true to the book itself which is heartbreakingly beautiful. Very excited to see this.

The hottest olympic take a month before the games. outstaning.

You’ve put something on social media that was dumb and in response now I will risk the lives of tens of thousands of people who have nothing to do with your post because dammit I have a point to make! - the actual thing Loomis (a fucking idiot) was saying

Wait- Do you follow a cam girl on twitter???

“They only have four officers working the event because the Lynx have such a pathetic draw.”


I don’t know man. I’m not sure i’d say it’s trash. I’d say his game is butt.

this is murika. the whole goddamned place is eagle country.

J.R. Smith nods approvingly

he said “swish” as in JR Smith’s nickname. asking him to answer the question b/c no one was talking.

best part is the goalie’s “who farted in the car?” face

“Peter Thiel- Holder of strong opinions about media” might be the best understated “fuck off” I’ve ever seen.

Man, did you ever nail the screengrabs for babadook & Insideous

So if the first thing I saw was, in fact, a cigar am I a timelord or an idiot?

It stopped being all chill when he raped “girl we all had to wait until she was 18 to officially say she’s hot” sansa and you know it.

nice to see that the international promotion of TMNT2 follows suit with the american michael bay tradition of featuring Megan Fox’s ass.

As a Cavs fan I agree with Patrick down here... the real MVP is the hawks twitter account: