sock monkey


I imagine you yell this with the frustrated and hurried voice of a Pyramid contestant.

If he asks you to debrief him, RUN.

Ah okay thanks. True Blood was always a bit of a crazy gong show and that all runs together in my memory. I have yet to finish BLL.

Was that true blood? I have no memory of that at all.

Yeah, I don't think about Lost at all when I watch this.

HBO already had one at the ready, unless Matthew Rhys took it as a souvenir.

I thought it had to be a deliberate callback to the jogging scene. Including Kevin 3's comment that no one would go to "that length" to impersonate him.

"In the early days of our movement it was mandatory that all members smoke cigarettes and refrain from speaking. But then we realized those traditions were stupid."

Schrödinger's Lynch.

Me too. Ive put most other stuff I watch on voluntary hiatus. I'm only making the effort for The Americans, The Leftovers, and The Handmaid Tale right now.

Blue Rose?

Mister Jackpots!

Only if I am a bad person because I'm sad that over 500 comments in, and NO ONE has commented that this looks shopped, and that they could tell from some of the the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in their time.

I think I agree. I was wondering if Coop's current state of mind was a result of being tricked, or if he'd be like that anyway after being a "guest" in the lodge for so long. If it's the latter, Dougie's life seems the (relatively) safer environment to get his bearings back.

However, I did find Wally's obsession with following the Lewis & Clarke trail interesting in light of Lewis' mention in the book. It's probably won't amount to anything since Wally is likely just a cameo, but it caught my attention.

And he was detoured into Dougie's life, instead of Bob-Coop's.

I loved how he turned his hearing aids up so they could whisper instead of shout at each other. It showed how important the discussion was to Cole, how seriously he takes this, and how worried he is.

I thought it was her as well, but I think the ambiguity/ confusion she seems to have on it relates to her death and how that changes whatever it is we "are". She WAS Laura, now she's something else, maybe because of death, maybe because of Bob, etc.

I thought maybe that as the lodge was opening and allowing Coop to leave, that whatever powers run the place tightened its grip on her so she could not leave too.