sock monkey


The lighting too, at times. A few new Twin Peaks scenes really revel in that bright LA sunshine that's in Mulholland Drive - seems both natural and unnatural at the same time. Leave it to Lynch to make a bright, sunny day seem unsettling and slightly odd/uncomfortable.

I really got Leland Palmer vibes off of him, in the creepily chipper, possibly evil but not consciously aware of it sort of way.

I thought New York student / box attendant guy was going to be a serial killer or something. I should gave known better. Box monster much worse than that.

For sure, I'm just kind of spitballing.

I like the idea of a therapist engaging in epic eye-rolls during his sessions.

The defense attorney was also Parker from Buffy. Amazing how all these years later, I still feel the visceral sneer forming on my face when I see him.

I was thinking something similar: not full Zombie but invincibility or super healing being a side-effect of the cure.

Those wigs are like mood rings. The lacklustre, sloppy-person wigs tonight reflect their growing dissatisfaction with this life.

AFTER he cures himself of his aversion to electricity.

Michael Mando was in the early days of Orphan Black as Vic the doofus thug and Nacho couldnt be more different than Vic but both are totally believable. It is surprising to me that it's the same actor. I hope Mando is in many more things, he's really talented and deserves to be the lead in something.

Lol, remember when they all died later

When the CBC aired it the title was Anne.

Apparently. It may have been a retcon because it wasnt revealed right away, according to wikipedia.

This is entirely true most years - the winters in Vancouver are usually very mild. But this past winter was Vancouver's coldest in 30ish years. While still not as cold as pretty much anywhere else in the country, it was COLD and repeated snowstorms and seemingly never ending. This year, anyone complaining about the

That would have been one loooong "appointment", because Alice confirmed that she also went to the same Sisters of Quiet Slutshaming facility that they sent Polly too.

He should only parkour if nobody (including him) addresses it at all, totally ignoring him jumping and hanging on to the sides of buildings, etc.

Ha! Trevor Stines as Chic/the lost Cooper would be fantastic.

I didnt think she was bit but it's not ruled out. I wished and sort of thought Jason was real too.

I didnt think she was bit but it's not ruled out. I wished and sort of thought Jason was real too.