sock monkey

Yeah. My guess is that the baby died too young to be counted in the prophecy. But I'm more just curious if it's a production/script mistake as in overlooked, or if showrunners knew and just figured it being a non-issue.

It does mess the prophecy up. I had forgotten about the extra baby in the show until recently. Im curious if/how they'll address it in the show, or just ignore it.

Yeah she apparently likes him again? I think she softened on him when she found out he was probably dying

I think some people think that Gendry is that first child and his death was faked…because Cersei didnt want the baby. Or something. I am hazy on the specifics of the theory

I think he's probably cured so the show can conveniently use Jorah for some other plot purpose, but I thought he came across as way too cavalier/confident about it.

The show is terrible in its own unique way, but still oddly fun. And I've always enjoyed the comments section and the relatively good-natured mockery they contain.

"It's getting…*better*"

Agreed. Their one-liner brinksmanship was glorious.

Fruitcake anyone?

The Good Place autocorrect is the best autocorrect.

I don't know, I thought he gave his Horsemen some sweet threads in the movie. The makeover scene was unintentionally the best and weirdest scene in the movie.

Apocalypse missed his true calling as superhero fashion designer.

Agreed. Frankly I didnt even care for the Sweet Dreams scene even though I like the song. The idea was already tired.

Isn't it supposed to be a slower song, for irony? Time in a Bottle worked well

Something by Nirvana?

I liked this show better when the first AV Club article about it referred to it as Planet of the Apes by mistake.

Lowest Common Denominator

Becky finding that moment of stoned joy in the car really reminded me of Laura Palmer finding similar moments of peace in her life amidst all the crazy she had to deal with. Interesting to see if/how that thread is followed.

I think that's just Albert now, after his epiphany in the original series - still a bit grumpy but more grounded, humble, respectful, etc.

That must be the dark, gritty reboot version where she becomes the team's version of Oracle.