sock monkey

I'm going to need to rewatch the therapy scenes from…I think it was S1. It'll be interesting to see if Norma goes further with it this time.

I absolutely agree - it's hard to talk in depth as I'm almost at the end of it and am avoiding spoilers, but that's what I meant about the fuzzy lines of blame/fault/etc. As I see it, there is plenty of blame to go around about the events of the past.

Agree, the reality of Norma's nagging/smothering versus Norman's perception of it is very well played - when Norman was going off on Emma about Norma my reaction ranged from empathizing with him to thinking his experience of it was completely off the charts. Norma is annoying (especially to a teenaged boy) but he's

"who didn’t start ’shipping Sheriff Romero and Norma the moment that awkward goodbye happened?"

If Family Noir isn't a recognized genre, it should be now with recent productions like this show, Rectify, and Bates Motel

I'm definitely developing a preemptive cringe reaction whenever Danny is alone with a family member. I'm not sure he's actually able to interact with anyone at face value, manipulation seems to be his default mode.

He was also David's square-dancing, rebound boyfriend in Six Feet Under, if you've seen that show.

That's the residual charisma of Dr. Facehands, bleeding through.

I was also kind of thinking that she might pull her gun on him. Either way, that was tense.

Forgot to add that I thought Highmore was pretty fantastic tonight, that weird/awkward giggle when Emma talked about having sex.

Also loved the way Chick, although eccentric himself, immediately sniffed out that Caleb was just bad fucking news, and somehow managed to dismiss Caleb while he was simultaneously staring right through him.

"Well, then I need a large freezer down here."

I thought that was probably intentional misdirection from the trailer. I guess we'll see.

In the past couple of weeks there's been a lot of (justified) griping that the cast has gotten way too big, so some additional deaths were due. But I have to admit I didn't want Noah to die, as I was just thinking that he was a good addition to the cast. His scene with Reg was pretty great.

I'm actually interested to see this storyline with Carol (and her own bad marriage history) in the mix. She wasn't a factor in the comics version of this storyline, so I'm kind of curious how this will play out.

Thanks, both of you. That makes sense

Not really sure what happened in that final shot of Deanna - was Gabriel yelling in the street after he left? I thought there was shouting but wasn't sure.

Druncle Caleb. Nickname plus built-in pun. WIN-WIN.

Are we continuing our list of show nicknames this year? If so, if it pleases the court I submit: Duncle Caleb.

He is looking more like his dad the the older he gets. Probably why Remo was AWOL, they don't need both of them in the same room/scene at the same time.