
A lot of people do not want to hear this. According to the study, more than 30% of Clinton supporters said they believed that black people were more“criminal” than white people. Almost 20% of Sanders supporters viewed black people as more “lazy” than white people.

Liberals can be racist though...I just feel like it’s important to stop distancing ourselves from the truth on this.

Not so much vacations,the way we get into messes like this is by assuming that it’s always outsiders perpetrating such heinous acts.

Trying to defund Planned Parenthood, mostly. :(

No, sex is the real sin, because it makes you happy and it’s free.

But please remember that abortion is the true sin.

“He said what?!..........oh for the love of....alright, call Kevin and have him release a statement please.” *big sigh* “I can’t with this guy.”

It *kind of* sounded like that was what Lindsey Graham was getting at.

If there were FISA clearance then someone leaked it to Breitbart. I await their immediate arrest.

Have you lost anyone really, really close? Because listing his shortcomings seems like a great way to make him feel guilty about stupid shit that doesn’t matter because he’s just lost his wife.

...Crosses IrisJK off of “potential eulogizers” list

Because it’s her letter and her husband and her death and she gets to do it the way she wants.

I think the takeaway there is that, in these last days of her life, as she looks back at what brought her happiness, those flaws have kind of fallen away for her. She probably doesn’t care to make room for those things in her mind anymore.

i mean, are you trying to date this man? why do you care whether he sounds too perfect or not?


as trite and cliche as it may sound, don’t give up if that’s something you want! everyone is lovable.

I’d give anything, everything. to have a romantic partner who feels that way about me. I’ve never made it past three dates, so the idea that one person could see me and *KNOW* she wants to marry me, it just beyond conception.

“You know who we are and you know why we’re here,” —sound like some real tough guys. Guess what, the ‘80s hero movies called and they want their hack lines back. Nice work taking down the millenial girl with the big glasses, Steve- good collar.

Using your own analogy, she let the insurance lapse, then paid the agent for a new policy but was still getting delayed and dicked around by the home office when the agents decided to burn her house down to teach her a lesson. A little different.

ICE did this to intimidate immigrants. They are Trump’s brownshirts.