Thanks. I've had incredible support, yet still—it really is punch-to-the-gut hard.
My head just exploded with rage on behalf of your cousin. What a terrible thing to say to someone. How do these people sleep at night?
because women aren't people, and potential babies might be boys and later men — who are people.
I'm sorry, but this is the type of verbiage that passes for English in a "blockbuster report"?
There are no such things as non- lustful pants. Wear a skirt to your ankles or GTFO.
Well you ARE in the comfort of your own home, so I'm pretty sure God is OK with you being a slut in there. Preferably when your children are gone so you don't taint their innocent minds with your sex body.
now if they would only ask Brad about his feeling about Justin Theroux? I think if I were 45 year old woman who has tens of millions of dollars, a successful acting career, and is getting married shortly, it would be beyond annoying that your most important relationship is apparently the one between you and you…
Well, while I find myself struggling with the concept of "watching Friends for the first time," I can see that. If you only watch the early seasons, it's probably a different outlook. (Spoiler alert: Ross will always be the worst.)
You don't have to acknowledge Ross's existence. It's okay.
You forgot the best quote in the Aniston interview, the one where she said Jolie did a gorgeous job directing Unbroken.
Totally agree. These tabloids are so invested in these two women hating each other, when the reality is that 10 years later they probably don't care anymore and would probably prefer discussing the matter all together.
Ah, important point. More, even if I watch the later seasons. (After about season 6, likability goes down for the rest of the main cast.)
Who cares about what Jennifer Aniston thinks about Angelina Jolie?
Good for you Jen. Seriously that shit IS tired. Plus, don't tabs (I mean ET is pretty much a tab) have enough material to work with from the Kardashians? Can't they let a 1o year old story go already?
Have you seen all the children we charge as adults? Pretty sure we've charged 10 and 12 yr olds as adults for murder, YOU CAN BE MATURE ENOUGH TO GET CHARGED AS AN ADULT BEFORE PUBERTY HERE, BUT YOU CANNOT WALK HOME WITHOUT A PARENT!!!
The father's then-girlfriend didn't mind that he was boning his own daughter upstairs?? I don't believe that for a hot fucking second.
Um can we talk about the part where he had a girlfriend IN THE HOUSE who had him having sex with his 17 year old daughter and didn't call the cops??
Yup, if any 30-year old man started talking to a girl when she was 15, and then slept with her at 17, and married her at 18, I'd call it grooming.