
You gotta admit though, Prince Chubbington is pretty cute for a parasite.

The kid better hold onto that shit. Lord knows he won't get anything free ever again. He'll have to work his ass off just to be able to afford rent in a tiny London flat.

I think the paranoid theory he is working with is that young girls like Taylor Swift, tune in to Ellen to watch her, be exposed to all the gayness, start to think gayness is normal (oh no), and then be on the slippery slope to Lesbian Town.

My agenda is pink with rhinestones. That's the gay agenda right? I got it to piss off my aunt at thanksgiving. Day one was exploit a dual income relationships with double the amount of disposable income.

I have an agenda... It's got a preppy Lily Pulitzer design.

Are we STILL doing "the gay agenda" thing? Seriously? THE GAYS, OMG THEY'RE GONNA GETCHA. OOOooOOOoOoooOOOooo [making oogly-boogly finger wiggles here] [also rolling eyes because oh for fuck's sake].

I always feel the need to post this when assholes start talking about "gay marriage" being wrong and against the Bible.

Exactly. I've always been quite shy and because of it I can be rather reluctant to converse with people at times, especially with people I don't know. As a result I've had people call me uptight, cold, bitchy, standoffish, etc. until they get to know me. Doing press for a film, especially one that's "controversial,"

Shyness is such a bugger. To an outsider, it can sometimes seem like snooty arrogance, but on the inside, it's just a frantic "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck what do I say now oh my god where's the bathroom I'm going to hurrrrrrrrgh." And shyness often takes hold of the people you would least expect it to. It's such a weird

Yeah, it's not a book about a BDSM relationship. It's a book about a relationship between a super insecure girl and an emotionally abusive sociopath with mommy issues.

Wow! Wang? I haven't heard that word used since I was in my teens. Thanks for the revival, BJ ... brings back some fun but awkward memories.

A Belfast-raised friend of mine mentioned the other day that she'd been close friends with Jamie Dornan's sister when they were at school, and said that he was actually very sweet. Quite shy. Terribly awkward. My friend is delightfully caustic and not at all inclined to soften her assesments of people, so I was

You're welcome! It's pure gossip and I'm reporting it completely irresponsibly. If you repeat it and anyone asks, you should probably not tell them it came from a stranger named "Boobs McGee."

in re: requested memo-

At this point in time, I just have the image bookmarked as a reply anytime anyone tries to use Jesus to justify their own bigotry.

"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

"Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted..."

If there is any justice, Heaven will have tons of gay sex in it.