And thus concludes too much explanation for an issue that will never affect us.
And thus concludes too much explanation for an issue that will never affect us.
Well, Edy's makes girl scout cookie flavors ice cream.
Check yourself! Mint chocolate chip ice cream is my Orgasmatron.
I would never injure another human being over their taste in cookies. What you put in your body is a solemn right.
No - I'm right there with you. I thought: Thank the deity of your choice that she knocked on a nice grandpa's door who was a good guy and not some sicko that locked her the basement never to be heard from again or tried to sell her to some foreign human trafficking ring.
I freeze mine. My mom got me started doing it years ago and I can't stop.
Look who has the self control to stop at one sleeve. Show off.
You both just shut your dirty whore mouths right there.
Yah, cuz yogurt flavored like a Greek just isn't right.
and the "Honey what can I do for you"? which is such a grandpa thing to say. *hugs*
That line was particularly crushing. Poor kid.
Cabaret called- they want their wardrobe back.
I guess all the jokes and jabs directed at her about when she was "fat Monica." (Seriously, that ghastly Professor Klump fat suit, tho. Ugh) And that resigned face she would make in return, like she deserved to be ridiculed. Like, it sure was lucky for her that she lost weight so she could fit in with the beautiful…