But Ross and Rachel were lobsters. With the holding of the claws...
But Ross and Rachel were lobsters. With the holding of the claws...
To explain it a different way, imagine for example that there people wearing hats would potentially punch you really hard and debilitatingly in the nuts. In your lifetime, you may have a 1 in 4 chance of being thus punched in the nuts. At first, you'd probably try to avoid peope wearing hats, but soon enough you'd…
So what you're saying is you, like every other woman in the first world, is well aware of these tips therefore the tips are not increasing your safety, but just giving the illusion of Uber trying to increase your safety while they continue to do jack shit about their rape problem?
My thoughts were more like...
Yes, thank you! I was watching the first 2 episodes late last night, and I was like, "Susan, sit the fuck down!"
We're mad because it puts the onus on the victim to not get raped instead of on the Uber driver to not rape. This is no different than "don't walk alone at night". As a woman, it makes me feel like I have to be constantly vigilant and that's not a fun feeling.
Those chunky-heeled flip-flops too.
I finished my Gilmore Girls blitz so I'm going to run into Friends' open, waiting embrace.
What's UFC? Let Monica's boyfriend Jon Favreau tell you!
I didn't hit RAGE LEVEL until "share your journey in real time." Is it also my responsibility to send out a "help I am currently being assaulted" tweet?? FFS.
Didn't also Amy pierced Emma's ears??
Since it's apparently my responsibility not to get raped, I guess I'll continue doing what's worked so far: not using Uber.
Chandler remains my favorite. He is so deeply flawed and knows he is so flawed, which is why his snark is so funny and not smug- he knows it will come back to him 10x over.
The show certainly has been criticized for that, but it was also filmed in the 1990s, and a lot in society has changed since then.
RIP Dad/Grandpa Gilmore.
Can you guess what no bra no pants dance I will be doing this weekend? Gilmore girls and this? Fuck it I have new couch home.