I feel like if you're going to wear a camo rain jacket, your nails should have to look like that. It's probably some sort of law.
"Two battleships' worth of tits" should be the new slang term for big boobs.
There's lots of Israel/Palestine talk in my house, and the kids were curious about why we were speaking ill of "Hummus". I explained that we were speaking about an organization called "Hamas" and my daughter was like, "that makes sense because who doesn't like hummus?" And then I remarked if there's one thing people…
Not proud of it, but always think of feta and hummus when I hear a story about Fatah & Hamas. I can't do anything about peace in the Middle East, but I can put delicious salty cheese and chick pea paste on my sandwiches.
Peter is traditionally played by a woman (Mary Martin!)
If the police tell you to keep the 3-year-old from playing in the unlocked car, don't you just lock the car doors to keep him out? And if you're going to take a siesta, maybe lock the front and back doors to the house so he can't go wondering outside? How dumb do you have to be to give a child that young free reign…
wait so a women let's her daughter play at the park while she's at work and gets arrested and taken to jail..... And this idiot is asleep while a three year old drives a car into the side of a house and gets a citation!!!???
They crack me up when they decide they are not babies. My boys were 3 when they were trained and it looks like my daughter will be too.
My nephew was three...he refused to be trained no matter what my brother and SIL did. Finally, when his little brother was born and he realized that babies wore diapers, he was ready. It took two days a that point. He could do it before, just didn't want to. They were half-amused, half-pissed.
It takes some kids longer to potty train even if you are actively trying to teach them, especially boys. My daughter has this pretty much wrapped up at 2, but her 3 year old cousin still thinks its best that his mom clean him up and literally does not care about the potty. Pretty normal. Also, I highly doubt this…
The flip side is that when you do respond with a "Thanks for your message but we aren't a match" there are the assholes who flip their shit. Sometimes it's too exhausting/depressing and we'd rather not bother because we don't know what kind of response we're likely to get.
Here's the thing, though- I have done so and would enthusiastically sit on the face of a future lover, whatever the means of meeting him are. However, being asked that upfront instead of waiting to get to know me, both compatibility-wise and sexually, first, would creep me out and I would block immediately.
I found that as a straight woman on OKC, I didn't really have to message anybody; I stuck to the guys messaging me since it was easier to manage that way and I wasn't the one putting myself out there. When I *did* message guys, slightly less than half would respond. So don't take it personally! Quality > quantity is a…